JiKook: Prince Consort

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Along Busan's coast stood a prestigious palace. During the nights, it shone so bright that ships didn't need a lighthouse to guide them into the ports. During the day, the sun reflected off the enormous structure, giving it the nickname the Star Palace. 

The king of the Star Palace was renowned for his wealth and power, but more so for his unyielding kindness and compassion to his subjects and allies. The staff that kept the palace in perfect shape would tell anyone who asked that the palace shone so bright because of their king. 

While Park Jimin struck untamable dread in the hears of his enemies, he showered his friends in love and affection in any way he could. The standard of living in his kingdom was high, housing affordable and healthcare accessible to all. Fishing was the main source of income; the neighboring kingdom of Daegu gave them most of their grain and fruits. Merchants thrived in Jimin's kingdom; those wandering through were sure to be greeted kindly and treated well during their time there. 

Despite Jimin's reputation, rumors quickly spread throughout the palace -- and even made its way into the streets -- that painted a shady veil over him. 

Of course, Jimin was married to a woman; it was an arranged marriage that neither of them wanted and protested greatly, but once they spent time together, they came to realize that they made a great team. The queen was fantastic with economics and was part of the reason why the kingdom thrived. She was also a better negotiator than the king, so Jimin always allowed her to work out the best trade deals. 

Though she bore him an adorable son, the married couple didn't share chambers; they were located as far from each other as they could get. The king loved his son and was more than happy to teach him how to become a better ruler than himself. 

But the secret was that Jimin's true love was not his queen. 


"I think we move more troops to the eastern border. Lee's army seems to be moving closer and closer to us every month; I think they're planning an attack soon --"

"Were you not present at the last meeting with King Jihoon, or were you just not listening? There's more clear land near our eastern border, and he's using the space to train new recruits of his cavalry. He needs all the space to train the horses and sharp-shooters. Besides, he is neither an enemy nor an ally; if he wanted to hurt us, he would have already." 

Strategist Kim rolled his eyes, redness surfacing in his cheeks at the critique. He was the chief strategist for the king's army, and he was sick of being humiliated in front of the king by his...playmate

"Here," the young man pointed to the western border, "we have only a couple hundred men stationed there, towards the north. I say we up the troops to a thousand; that's the ocean, and if anyone wanted to invade, they would be smart enough to do so on the water. We need to fortify that one weak point." 

General Suh nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. "That's a great idea. We have enough men ready for transport." He looked to the king, "Your Majesty, when would you like them to be sent out?" 

At the head of the table, Jimin stood. "A report back from the eastern border clarified that Lee's using that land for training his cavalry. Transport those troops to the northwestern border by the end of the week, General. This meeting is now over." 

General Suh nodded and bowed respectfully, then left the conference room with his two advisors. Strategist Kim abruptly turned and left with his men, slamming the door behind him. 

"I'm so sick of His Majesty's whore! Why does he take him to all these meetings, let alone let him speak!? He isn't even educated in the art of war!" 

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