JungHope: Bunny Boy

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For Jung Hoseok, life was a chore. Nothing he did ignited a spark of joy or satisfaction inside him; nothing filled the void of emptiness that cast a blurry veil over his world. 

"Maybe you should volunteer at that hybrid shelter on the outskirts of the city," Yoongi, Hoseok's best friend and confidant, suggested. 

Yoongi's husband, Seokjin, hummed in agreement from his spot on the couch. His child from his first marriage, Taehyung, was curled up in his lap with a cold. "You should. Maybe it can change your outlook on life; those poor hybrids have it so much worse than us humans. They need to be reassured that not everyone hates them." 

"True," Yoongi nodded his head, "You can care for them, Hoseokie. Caring for someone can definitely change your outlook on life and make you focus on the good things, even if the circumstances are bad. Plus, everyone needs a little love, and those hybrids are certainly not getting any." 


Now, Hoseok was standing in front of the hybrid shelter, half in awe and half in absolute terror. 

It was an ugly building with no windows or attic space, grimy from years and years of neglect. About a quarter of a mile away from this building was another, much smaller building. What appeared to be small, shallow trenches littered the space around it. 

In an act of either bravery or stupidity, Hoseok opened the door and stepped into the building. A dingy waiting room greeted him; old, wooden benches lined the walls and an old woman sat behind the large desk in the center of the room. 

She glared at Hoseok. "Are you here for volunteer work?" she griped. 

Hoseok nodded quickly, hoping to get away from her quicker. 

Without another word, the woman pressed a button near her. A few seconds later, a man probably in his late forties entered the waiting room. His uniform was stained, what little hair he had sticking out in every direction, and a cigarette hanging from his lips. 

He eyed Hoseok, half-disgusted, and jerked his head to the door he just appeared from. "Come on, I'll show you around." 


The first few hallways were kept pretty decent. The hybrids here were kept in rooms that had appropriate bedding, food, and a few luxury items for the occupants. Large, carpeted rooms filled with all sorts of actvites were called playrooms, where a few young hybrids could be seen chasing each other and laughing. 

The last two hallways were the exact opposite. 

These hallways were cramped and wreaked with a stench so powerful Hoseok tried not to gag. Cages lined the walls, up to three hybrids crammed into the small spaces. Their clothes were ratty and torn, eyes filled with hurt and anger for the treatment they were recieving. 

They had cots instead of beds, thin blankets too small to cover an adult hybrid completely, and small bowls for their food and water. The hallways were freezing; drafty due to the holes and leaks in the roof. 

"You'll be working on these two halls. Well, I'll give you today to get to know everyone," the man said, then left Hoseok alone. 

Crying and other sounds of misery permeated the eery silence. Curious eyes judged the new volunteer, who put his uniform shirt on over his long-sleeved shirt. No one wanted to reach out through the bars of their cages, afraid they'd get their hands smacked. 

Hoseok cleared his throat, giving an awkward wave to all the mistreated hybrids. "Hello! Uh, my name is Hoseok, and I'll be volunteering here. Please know that I'm not going to hurt you; don't be afraid to ask me for anything! I will take care of you as best as I can, I promise." 

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