Just for Tonight? (Eric X New)

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"Wowwww, Verivery's stage was awesome!" Haknyeon cried out as the rest of the members agreed. They were still freaked out by the performance, especially the ending bit.

"It was incredible." Sangyeon added.

"I can't sleep alone tonight." Eric whined as he stood up and stomped his feet. Jacob chuckled.

"You have a roommate, remember?" Kevin said as he rubbed his own arms. Almost all of them got goosebumps.

Eric's face brightened up as he turned to Chanhee. Chanhee pretended not to notice as he kept talking with Younghoon.

"Chanhee hyung~~~~~~" Eric started.

"Eric, there are cameras on. Don't make me have to swear." Chanhee muttered. Eric pouted.

"Come on, you won't even do this little thing for your favorite dongsaeng?" He gave his best twinkling doe eyes. Chanhee scrunched up his nose.

"Since when were you my favorite dongsaeng?"

"Well, I know Sunwoo's not it, So it's me!" Eric grinned like an idiot as he clung onto Chanhee's arms.

"There's still Haknyeon, so it's a no."

"Then, do it for the baby of the group." Eric put on his best pitiful face. He thought he had succeeded when Chanhee smiled. But Chanhee pushed him away with a flick on his forehead.

Eric huffed and sulked. Sangyeon who was sitting beside him noticed and patted him on the shoulders reassuringly.

"You'll be able to sleep. Don't worry. You are not alone in your room anyways." Eric just nodded at Sangyeon.

After wrapping up the Road to Kingdom performance, they got back to the dorm quite late. Everyone said goodnight to each other, sleepily.

Eric was about to plop down his bed, being tired from all the stunts, but halted when Chanhee screamed.

"Wha-what! What!" Eric screamed back, startled.

"Don't go to bed just like that! At least wash your hair and face. It's full of disgusting chemical products." Chanhee said. Eric scowled. He was seriously exhausted and he has to wash up before going to bed!? He's an adult now, that means he is allowed to go to bed, dirty.

"Nope. I need sleep, right now." Eric ignored Chanhee and picked up his blanket as he prepared to jump into bed.

Chanhee dragged Eric by the collar before his butt could even land on the bed though.

"Hyung! This is torture! This is child abuse!" Eric ranted. Chanhee rolled his eyes.

"I though you were an adult now?" He said, calmly. Eric shut up at that. He let Chanhee make him sit down in front of the sink. He looked at Chanhee getting the facial foam and shampoo.

"I'm tired. I'm lazy." Eric grumbled.

"I know. Just sit there. I'll do it for you."

Eric's eyes lit up at that. For some reason, Chanhee washing his hair for him made him feel giddy. Maybe because he's getting pampered by his hyung, yes, that must be it. He likes getting pampered, that's it.

Eric hummed as Chanhee massaged his scalp slightly with the shampoo. He peeked at himself in the mirror and found himself funny with white foam on his head. Chanhee also noticed and laughed slightly.

"Why are you laughing?" Eric pouted and acted offended. Chanhee bit his lips to hold his laughter and shook his head. Eric's lips twitched upwards seeing Chanhee do that.

"Your head looks like vanilla ice cream." Chanhee giggled as he carefully formed the bubbles on top of Eric's head. Eric giggled along.

"Make me horns!" He said, enthusiastically. Chanhee nodded as he stuck out strands of Eric's hair into two horns on his head.

The two of them giggled as they continued. Eric didn't know a simple washing session could be fun like this. He felt content at Chanhee touching his head. He liked the feeling when Chanhee wiped off the water from his face with the towel.

Eric found himself staring at Chanhee's facial features as Chanhee wiped his face.

"You have pretty ears." He breathed out. Chanhee looked a bit taken aback.

"Oh? Thanks." He replied. Eric smiled, seeing the slight blush on Chanhee's ears.

"Good night, Eric." Chanhee said.

"Good night, Chanhee hyung." Eric replied. Eric shut off the light and went into bed. He turned left, then right, then tummy down, then pulled up his blanket up his head.

Eric sighed. He couldn't fall asleep.

"Hyung?" He squeaked out.





"What, Eric." Chanhee's tired voice finally replied. Eric grinned slightly.

"I can't sleep."

"Is Verivery still scary for you?"

Eric thought for a while. That performance hadn't come to mind at all. He just couldn't fall asleep. Eric didn't want to seem like a scaredy cat but he did have to give an excuse, so...


"Listen to music." Chanhee suggested.

"It won't work." Eric heard Chanhee sigh.

"Fine. Just this one time." Eric grinned from ear to ear as he heard Chanhee climbing down the bunk bed. He wiped it off immediately and put on his pitiful puppy look once Chanhee looked at him.

Eric shyly scooted to the right as he lifted his blanket for Chanhee to come in. Chanhee gave a slight glare as he got into Eric's blanket.

Eric held back his giggles as he snuggled into Chanhee's side. Chanhee wrapped an arm around Eric as he patted him lightly.

"You are such a baby." Chanhee muttered but Eric could feel the smile on his face.

"Well then, I'm your baby." Eric replied cheekily earning a pinch from Chanhee.

"Alright, alright. I'll shut up." Eric begged. They drifted off to sleep.

Eric woke up in the middle of the night cause he felt something tickling his neck. He fumbled around until he noticed another person on the bed with him.

Oh, right, Chanhee hyung slept together with him, Eric remembered.

But Eric specifically remembered that he was snuggling into Chanhee but how come Chanhee was curled up into him now?

Eric craned his neck to see what was tickling him and smiled when he saw it. Chanhee's face was buried in the crook of his neck. His nose was poking his neck and tickling him. He bit his own lips to prevent giggles coming out as Chanhee's lips moved slightly, emitting soft snores.

Eric unconsciously tightened his grip around Chanhee. The moonlight reflecting on Chanhee's pink hair was making him look so ethereal.

Maybe, just maybe, he should watch horror movies with Changmin and pretend to be scared again. Just to achieve moments like this, Eric was able to do anything.

At that moment, Eric felt secluded, alone with Chanhee. It felt nice. He liked it.

Eric fell asleep while staring at Chanhee's face the entire night, the adoring small smile never once leaving his face.

The two boys did not let go of each other at all that night. 

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