Finding Romance (Kevin X Hyunjun)

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Prompt: Hyunjun helps Kevin find his romance.

Kevin would say he was a realist and everyone would agree. He doesn't 'hope' or 'pray' for results, instead makes sure his plans work out as planned. He doesn't find comfort or understands the concept of depending on someone other than himself. If he did, it was teamwork rather than pure trust. 

Kevin believed it was a waste to depend on someone else because humans would end alone anyways. Why spend time chasing for something that you can't keep with for your whole life? 

But Kevin still pursued love. Or at least that's what he thinks it is. He doesn't stop from dating and relationships. The first proper relationship he had was with a senior in high school. At first, he had got along with Jacob because they were fellow Canadians. That friendship developed into something more and they started dating naturally. 

Jacob was a great lover, kind and understanding. He was all that was perfect in a relationship. Kevin had thought so. Kevin had deemed their relationship perfect as it was. But come the end of Jacob's high school years when Jacob wanted to break up.

"But why?" Kevin had asked. Jacob gave him a tender smile. One that Kevin saw whenever Jacob had explained him some problem Kevin didn't understand. 

"Kevin, what you and I have isn't love. At least not romantic love." Jacob had replied. 

Kevin didn't press on. Mostly because he both not understand and understand what Jacob had said. Kevin had thought he and Jacob had a special bond but Jacob said Kevin had mistaken it for something else. That was the part Kevin didn't understand. And the part Kevin understood? That he didn't know what romance for him was. 

The two ended on good terms. Jacob graduated first and Kevin spent his last high school year alone with his friends. He watched as Changmin hugged Younghoon, almost crushing him to death. He wondered why the two would be that clingy when Younghoon could still meet up with Changmin even if he was at college. 

"Don't be salty cause you just broke up." said Chanhee, cuddling into Juyeon. 

Kevin sent them a look to which Chanhee stuck out his tongue back. The two were as clingy as the ones in a relationship though they claim to be just friends. Kevin shook his head and sipped onto his hot chocolate.

"I'm not being salty. Even if I was still dating Jacob, I wouldn't be that clingy." said Kevin.

"Of course, you wouldn't be. That's why you broke up." Chanhee stated then added, "Or you would have held onto him." 

Kevin couldn't refute that. What he and Jacob had weren't as special as he thought. He realized that when he didn't feel anything particular when Jacob had brought up their breakup. 

"Broken hearts happen. Take your time." Juyeon spoke suddenly. 

Kevin smiled at him and nodded. He figured Juyeon was trying to console him in his own way but Kevin didn't need consoling. His heart wasn't broken in anyway.

A couple of years passed and Kevin was in university. While Changmin had applied for the same school as Younghoon, Chanhee, Juyeon, and Kevin had gotten to the same one. It also coincidentally happed to be the one Jacob was at. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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