Your taste - Part1 (Milnyu)

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Prompt: This is not my own work. I saw this short part and immediately thought it would suit milnyu. It's from a novel in NovelCat but unfortunately I don't know the name. It wasn't a bl novel by the way. The caption was something like:

'Sorry, I can't be your friend when I know your taste'

[And he thrust into his core, pumping his girth until he could only feel him. A breathless moan escaped his lips. The tantalizing sound sending pleasurable shock waves through his body. His hips rocked bringing him further into him until-]

The door of my bedroom was opened with a bang and I close the book nervously.If someone finds what I'm reading... Hell!

"Hey little Chan, we've come to steal you from your books for a while." Younghoon burst through the door, Hyunjae following closely behind him.

A gasp escapes my lips and I quickly place the book on the bed. My cheeks heat up quickly with a blush as I fix my glasses.

Oh god, this is embarrassing. I thought as I pressed my back further on the headboard.

I could feel Hyunjae's eyes on me, studying me until I couldn't take it anymore and snapped my eyes to his. Those hazel eyes had me sucking in a breath and I quickly look away.

"What were you reading there Hee?" His tone holds a tinge of amusement.

Before I could answer him, he reaches over and quickly grasps the book.

"Hey!" A silent protest leaves my parted lips. I get up quickly, my feet hitting the wood with a plod.

My black loose hair bounces wildly as I hurry to get up.

I'm trying to get the book back. However, Blake chuckles, outstretching his hands away from me so I couldn't reach.

His hazel eyes scan the words and my heart thuds. Oh god, please don't read it out loud. I silently begged in my head as I tiptoed to grasp the book in his hand. I let out a frustrated breath when it was futile. He was taller than me that was for sure.

I could hear Younghoon's amused chuckles as he watches me struggle to get a hold of the book.

'What best friends I have.' I thought sarcastically.

"And he thrust into his core-" Hyunjae begins, his eyes quickly snap to mine. My breath hitches when those swirls of brown turn a shade darker. His brow raises in amusement as he studies me.

"Now Hee, aren't you a bit too innocent for these books?" He tsked in a mocking tone.

His black hair curls on his forehead, his lashes so long that I was embarrassed to admit I was jealous of their length. Straight nose leading to a set of soft thin lips that were now curled into a smirk. He was handsome.
(I added the 'thin' part btw hehe)

The current blush on my face grows a shade darker. I was sure I looked like a red firetruck. Younghoon's laughter floats through the room, his voice so loud that I feared my parents would come and see what was the cause.

I didn't want to be embarrassed in front of them, knowing Hyunjae, he wouldn't miss the chance too. No one knew of my secret stash of erotica novels I have hidden under the bed. But now my secret was in the open.

I groaned aloud, curling my fingers into a fist before punching Hyunjae in his torso. He lets out a stunning breath, and I use it to jump slightly to pry the book out of his hands.

"Why did mom let you guys in?" I whined feeling utterly mortified that Hyunjae had read those words louder than necessary. I quickly place the book in the waistband of my sweatpants. Hoping Hyunjae wouldn't try to have a hold of it again.

His hazel eyes flicker to the book in my sweatpants and a twinkle of mischief passes through his striking hazel eyes. I shake my head swiftly, jumps on the bed, and end up tumbling on Younghoon.

"Hell Chan, I think you broke my hand." He grunts, pushing me off.

"Stop being dramatic you big baby." I laughed and lay down on my stomach. The book pressed against my front in the most uncomfortable way but I refused to turn upright in case Hyunjae makes another way to pry it away from me.

Hyunjae smirked, flashing his white pearly teeth.

"Are you trying to keep Raven close to your core?" He was referring to the male character that was pummeling the other male character in the book. I gasped at his crude remarks feeling my face heat up more than it had. I didn't know it was possible.

("I got to say that I'm jealous." )"Devo dire che sono geloso." He chuckles.

("Oh god, another day third-wheeling")"Oh Dio, un altro giorno di terza ruota." Younghoon answers.

I couldn't understand the language and they always used it against me.

"Oh come on guys, you know I can't understand when y'all speak Italian." I groaned in protest.

Younghoon sits up to reach over and ruffle my hair. "Then what can we have against you?" He laughs.

I swat at his hand and blow away the strands that got on my face.

"Why are you guys so early anyway, it's just nine a.m?" I ask, shifting in a way to be more comfortable with the book pressed to my front.

Hyunjae notices and sends a flash of mischief but I glare, stopping whatever he would've said next.

He comes to sit on the bed, a little bit too close to me. I could take a whiff of his cologne and almost moan aloud.

'He's your best friend Chanhee, stop thinking of him in this way.' I warned myself. 'It's all the erotica novels' fault.'

"It's actually not early nerd, you're just mad we interrupted your book session. Though I'm mad you've never told me about your little fantasies." Hyunjae chuckles.

I gasp and slap his muscular thigh.

"These aren't my fantasies," I argue, though my voice comes out doubtful even to my own ears.

"Our little Chan is not so innocent anymore Hyunjae." Younghoon laughs high fiving Hyunjae over my head.

I let out a puff of annoyance. I whine, feeling utterly mortified. "Would you guys stop?"

"We'll stop if you come to Bae's with us." Younghoon insisted. Bae was a small restaurant a couple of minutes away from my house.

This is where many teens would come to eat and talk with their friends instead of doing their homework. As much as I hate socializing, Hyunjae and Younghoon made sure I came along with them everywhere.

"Fine but let me have a shower and get dressed first," I grunt and get up.

"Careful there Hee, don't want your book falling out. I'd love to know more of your fantasies for future purposes." Hyunjae jokes but somehow I could hear the tinge of seriousness in his voice.

I sauntered downstairs, already knowing what to expect from hearing the loud shouting from the boys. I groan rolling my eyes when I reach the bottom. "You guys are loud," I whine walking over to the boys on the couch. They were busy watching football.

When I was ready to have breakfast, Hyunjae laughs and tugs my collar, "Hee, what's the point of eating when we're about to head to Bae's?"

I twist my head to look at him. Black eyes meet hazel and we stare. "What's the point of asking for breakfast when we're about to go?" I countered back. I turn around and shrugged. "Besides I skipped breakfast earlier and I'm famished."

"Now who's fault is that?" I could hear the evident amusement in his tone. The way his voice took a husky edge when he usually tries to rattle me up. "You should really blame Raven for your hunger. If you weren't busy-"

I turn around swiftly, my face said it all. I'm embarrassed and annoyed that he would joke around now that my mom was present. For God's sake, she didn't even know I owned these books. I sneaked off to buy them in the local library a couple of minutes away.

Whenever dad gave me money to spend, I would save it to buy them. Now my secret was not so much of a secret anymore and all thanks to the hazel-eyed boy staring back at me in mirth. He found this amusing, what a so-called friend he is.

But you haven't been thinking about him in a friendly way lately, now have you, Chanhee? My conscience mocked me. I got off the stool and clutch his hand, tugging him along with me.

"Leave the breakfast mom, I'm going to Bae's!" I shout over my shoulder.

She answers with a giggle. Great, now even my mom found me amusing. Hyunjae's chuckle pisses me off and leads me to drop his hand. I turn around to glare at him but I'm not so sure I looked the least intimidating.

His finger came to massage the crease between my eyebrows. "Don't frown, Hee. You'll get wrinkles on that pretty little face of yours."

I step away feeling a slight tingle where his finger touched my skin. I turn around and walk over to Younghoon and my brother Sunwoo. Their eyes were fixated on the television, both transfixed to realize that I reached for the remote.

Their eyes gleam with anxiety as they focus their gaze on the screen. My finger hovers over the off button before I finally pressed it. The screen goes blank and the boy's mouth slackens.

"What the-" Sunwoo started but I swiftly sent him a glare.

"If you finish that sentence I'll tell dad when he comes home from work," I warned.

He grumbles something under his breath before crossing his arms. He was two years younger than I yet he acted like he was the older one. He was the younger version of dad. At just the age of fifteen, he was almost the same height as Hyunjae and had girls falling at his feet.

I turn to Younghoon, seeing that he still stared at the black screen in obvious confusion. "Let's go, Younghoon, I'm hungry," I say and turned around to saunter to the front door.

"Where are y'all going?" I could hear Sunwoo question them.

"Bae's," Hyunjae responded.

I open the front door not caring if they followed after. I spot Younghoon's red Lamborghini and stroll over to it. My converse hit the pavement with a thud. I could distinctly hear their loud footsteps following after me.

"Someone's impatient to head to Bae's. Though I think you're impatient to get back to your reading," Hyunjae teases when he caught up to me.

I ignored him opening the car door and plopped inside. The short ripped jumpsuit I wore showed off the smooth creamy skin of my thighs. I shift myself to get more comfortable on the seat. Hyunjae's eyes flicker to my thighs before he swiftly averted his eyes, closing the door harder than necessary.

Both he and Younghoon opened their door simultaneously and closed it. Hyunjae turns in his seat and sends me a wink.

"Don't worry Hee, we'll get you back to your reading. Then we can practice what you've been taught."

A red blush crawls up my face and coats my cheek. Younghoon laughs and mumbles something incoherent.

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