Sweet Home(Sunnew)

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A/N: Ok, I just happened to watch a compilation of people crying to that one scene in Train to Busan (if you haven't watched it yet then go watch it! I rarely like gross zombie movies but that film is a masterpiece.) And then I remembered this Sunnew fanart (above) and I just thought why not? 😊

Fanart credits go to the artists on Twitter. 

Try reading it with this song. It's a nice song, I promise.

Apocalyptic AU

The mellow sunset illuminated the sky, painting it pink and purple. The once flourishing city center of Seoul was now a disaster spot with collapsing buildings and smoke coming out from fire breakouts. But the sunset almost made them forget about the die situation they were in. 


"Hyung, let's go back in before it gets dark." Sunwoo said, wrapping his arms around Chanhee.

Chanhee nodded, still staring at the sunset. It was rare to get a proper quiet time like this. Because when the darkness blankets over the whole sky, things got ugly. 

Sunwoo seemed to sense Chanhee's reluctance. He rested his chin on his shoulder, pressing a light kiss onto his neck. Chanhee leant onto Sunwoo's head, caressing his hands on his stomach. The two stood still in complete silence.


"Hmm, hyung?" Sunwoo's voice was muffled up since he had buried his face into the crook of Chanhee's neck. He liked only smelling Chanhee's scent. It kept him sane in this chaotic world.

Chanhee lifted Sunwoo's head up and turned to face him. He hugged Sunwoo's waist and stared. Sunwoo didn't mind staying like this. But he was worried what Chanhee's gaze meant. 

"What if.... just if, something happens to me-"

"Nothing's gonna happen to you, hyung. You don't need to think about it at all." Sunwoo interrupted just like Chanhee expected. 

"I know." Chanhee chuckled, ruffling Sunwoo's hair, "But I'm just saying, just if something happened to me...."

Chanhee paused, words lodged in his throat. He reached up to cup Sunwoo's cheek, caressing it gently. Sunwoo melted into his touch like a puppy. He fluttered his eyes close and tilted his head towards Chanhee's hand. Chanhee smiled. He leant in to kiss Sunwoo ever so softly like a flower petal. 

"Don't hesitate, Sunwoo." Chanhee whispered. 

Sunwoo opened his eyes and saw Chanhee trying not to let his tears spill. Sunwoo pulled him into a hug. A tight one. A hug that could melt them into one. 

"I'm not leaving you, hyung." Sunwoo whispered back then added, "Ever." 

Chanhee nodded, wrapping his arms tighter around Sunwoo. He buried his head into Sunwoo's shoulder, muffling up his cries. Sunwoo stroked his back reassuringly and pressed a kiss against his crown. 


The warm moment was intruded by a monster flying towards them. Sunwoo glanced at the sun and it had already disappeared from view. Without delay, Chanhee grabbed Sunwoo's wrist and ran towards the door. The two picked up their pace just as the noise got nearer. 

"Ah!" Chanhee yelled as he fell back onto the ground. Sunwoo helped him up and kept him close to his side. 

The two looked up at the scaly-winged monster, gnarling its teeth at them. It was several feet taller than them despite its skinny frame. Slime and saliva dripped down as it growled at them. Chanhee pulled Sunwoo behind him despite being scared, gripping onto his hoody tightly. Sunwoo gripped his lightning rod tightly, pointing the sharp edge at the monster. He anxiously scanned the surrounding in case another monster crept up behind them. 

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