Lollipop Sweet (Hwall X New)

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"You're gonna get diabetes with all those sweets." Kevin snickered as a bunch of lollipops and candies avalanched from Chanhee's locker. Chanhee picked up one of the several notes and read a bit.

"I though I made it clear I have a boyfriend?"Chanhee sighed.

"I guess making out with Hyunjoon in the middle of the football field isn't enough." Changmin made a sarcastic comment to which Juyeon and Kevin agreed.

"I suggest you actually have sex in the classroom, or maybe the cafeteria." Kevin added.

Chanhee glared at his friends who were now trying to stifle their laughter.

"I'm not kidding. Hyunjoon will get mad at me again if he sees this. And it's not like it's my fault they keep sending me these!" Chanhee huffed as he threw away the note. He scooped up the bunch of sweets and was about to throw them away as well before Changmin stopped him.

"No, those sweets stay." Changmin took away the bunch from Chanhee's hands. Juyeon helped himself to a blueberry candy. Kevin was about to take one but Changmin slapped his hand away.

"What was that for!?" Kevin shouted as he rubbed his hands, "Geez, your hands are spicy." He muttered.

"You get none for being an idiot." Changmin replied as-a-matter-of-factly. Kevin's jaw dropped.

"ME!? An idiot!? How dare you..." Kevin growled. Changmin growled back louder and Kevin winced.

"I don't remember animals being allowed in school." Juyeon said calmly as he sucked on his candy. Kevin and Changmin glared at him.

"They got good disguise." Chanhee commented. Juyeon nodded in agreement, then scoffed as he turned to look at Chanhee. Chanhee quirked up a brow.

"What?" Chanhee asked.

"You really like showing people you got a boyfriend." Juyeon said as he motioned to his neck. Chanhee blushed at that.

"Well, he does like biting..." Chanhee said quietly as Juyeon rolled his eyes.

"I'll seriously bite you if you come close to this candy." Changmin threatened Kevin, looking like an innocent cinnamon roll.

"Oh seriously? Again with the biting?" Kevin did not back away from the staring contest. Changmin stopped closer and smirked.

"Oh, this time it'll be a different kind of biting." Changmin tilted his head in the direction of Chanhee. Kevin's whole face went red and he coughed.

"You wouldn't dare." He said quietly.

"Oh, I would." Changmin replied.

Chanhee and Juyeon sighed and glanced at each other. Then the two turned away to leave.

"They need to clear up those tension." Chanhee muttered.

"ASAP." Juyeon agreed as he put an arm around Chanhee. It was a friendly gesture, just done at the wrong time.

"Hey, Chanhee hyung."

Hyunjoon jogged up to Chanhee as his eyes narrowed at the arm around his boyfriend. Juyeon noticed and smirked slightly, not removing his touch.

"Hyunjoon-ah! Your class is finished?" Chanhee greeted cheerfully. Hyunjoon nodded, still eyeing the skinship.

"Let's go, hyung." he said. Chanhee tilted his head, unintentionally leaning his head against Juyeon's shoulders.

"Where?" He asked. Hyunjoon managed not to break character.

"I wanted to show you something. Come on." He said. Chanhee smiled and nodded.

Stay up at Night (One Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora