Little Red Riding Hood (Sunwoo X New)

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Prompt: So I just read a really cute Sunnew one shot and have been simping over that ever since. So I kind of put a twist on that on my own and added in the classic fairytale. Go check out 'Bunny Trap' in 'A Book of Sunnew' by 

p.s. I love your one shot so much.

Chanhee, mostly known as little red riding hood', skipped through the forest while the sun was high at noon. He had his basket hooked onto his arm as he made his way towards the elderly's house.

"Why do I always have to do these stuff when Jacob and Sangyeon fight? Sangyeon hyung has to learn how to cook one of these days." Chanhee muttered.

He trudged along the forest path, unaware of the danger lurking behind the bushes. The danger followed step by step behind Chanhee, concealed by the leafy green nature. Chanhee paused his steps when his eyes caught sight of a four-leaf clover. His eyes lit up instantly. 

Chanhee walked over to the clover and picked it up. He beamed at the clover and let out a happy sigh.

"Guess today is gonna be a good good day." Chanhee chirped.

Then taking light steps, Chanhee broke out into a song with how content he felt. Aside from having to deliver pastry to Sangyeon that is. 

"Clover, huu~~~ My luck is you. Clover, huu~~~ I found you~"

Chanhee had been singing and humming to himself. He hadn't noticed a presence coming out from behind the bushes. The person took silent steps right behind Chanhee, amused by how oblivious the red hooded blonde boy was. 

"Like a four-leaf clover.
You are so lucky to be so miraculous to me.
You can see that you're on the same wavelength as I am.
In front of you-" 

Chanhee felt a tap on his shoulder at the last sentence. Despite that, he kept singing as he turned around. His voice faltered a bit as he did though.

"My clover....... I think all the dreams I've been...." Chanhee gulped. 

The wolf hybrid bared his fangs with a smile. Sunwoo smirked when seeing his prey freeze right in front of him. He raised a brow mockingly. 

"Why? Do continue the song, little boy." Sunwoo spoke in a menacing tone. 

Chanhee gulped again and hesitantly parted his lips again to sing. 

"I think all the dreams I've been drawing are coming true.
Even now I'm looking into your eyes.
Yes, you are my luck~~" 

Sunwoo chuckled deeply at that. Chanhee took a step back. Sunwoo glanced at the four-leaf clover in Chanhee's hand and snatched it away. He crumpled it up in his fist much to Chanhee's dismay. The little boy's crestfallen look was pure entertainment for Sunwoo. 

"Yes, it is indeed your lucky day." Sunwoo said. 

"Umm.... I got pastries?" Chanhee suggested, offering his basket. 

Sunwoo scoffed. He crossed his arms and turned away. Though his eyes returned to the basket. His nose twitched at the lovely smell. Chanhee could see his tail swishing in anticipation. He held back a giggle and uncovered the basket. The delicious smell was overwhelming. 

"I got cream, mango cause that's the old man's favorite, and blueberries and strawberries-"

"Strawberries?" Sunwoo's ear perked up. 

Chanhee grinned and nodded. Before Sunwoo could snatch the basket away, Chanhee turned around. Sunwoo stumbled over and glared back at Chanhee.

"First, you gotta promise to let me go." Chanhee said.

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