Karma Butterfly Part-1 (The Boyz)

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A/N: Just read my 3 am sleep-deprived imagination

It was supposed to be quiet. The hushed whispers came together to form muffled silence throughout the space. Looks darted here and there to mind the menacing watchful pair of eyes roaming around, still rooted in the same place yet saw everywhere. Light shone in from the tasteful large French windows. The sunlight was weak as the sun was slowly taking its rest behind the clouds. The sky illuminated the rays, painting itself pink and orange. 

Sunwoo stared out at the purple sky blankly. The background murmurs were lulling him to sleep. That is, until his friend Kevin let out a screech all of a sudden. 

"And then! Eeeeeek! Younghoon held his injured hand and glared up at Changmin." Kevin stood up from his seat for extra dramatic effect even though his presence alone was dramatic enough. Eric and Sunwoo looked up at him, one with wide curious eyes while the other had an annoyed glare because the librarian had just shushed them. 

"Younghoon spoke.... 'Who gave you permission to get hurt by someone other than me.' Eehehehehe!" Kevin stamped his feet and sat back down. His hands balled into fists and his chin resting on them with a shy expression plastered on his face. 

"Ah, that's cliché." Sunwoo muttered. 

"Cliché but it works." Eric remarked.

Sunwoo shrugged and turned to Kevin. "Didn't you finish reading that book last week?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did. But I'm still not over those scenes. 'Karma Butterfly' is a masterpiece!" 

"I thought you said Younghoon and Changmin were enemies. And they ended up, what?, creating their own kingdoms-" Sunwoo was interrupted by Kevin pressing his finger to his lips to shut him up. Kevin slowly shook his head while Eric giggled at Sunwoo's dumbfounded expression.

"Don't ruin it. They may have pledge to two entirely different gods and created their own kingdoms and have sworn enemies to each other their whole life but I know!" Kevin declared in a whispered shout. 

"Know what?" Eric asked in amusement. Kevin sat back in his seat with a knowing smirk. 

"I know that they are just hiding their innermost desires to pull their collars and smash those lips together! All because of their legacy. They had sacrificed their love life." Kevin spoke and fake-wept.

"I thought Changmin had nearly killed Younghoon's brother." Eric whispered to Sunwoo. 

"How would I know? I haven't read the actual book. I just heard bits of what Kevin hyung keeps crying to me at 1 am in the dorm." 

"This ship needs to sail!" Kevin huffed.

"Sure, sure. You'll need to get crewmates first though." Eric entertained. 

"Oh, don't worry. This ship has got more than enough." Kevin cackled as he whipped out his phone. 

Sunwoo peeked at what Kevin was furiously typing about and saw a groupchat. They were talking in codewords that Sunwoo did not understand at all. Actually, it might just be the names in the book Kevin was ready but it was still true that Sunwoo didn't understand a word of it. 

"How about you get into your studies as much as you get into your books, hyung?" Eric suggested, waving the textbook at Kevin.

"I will if it includes an enemies to lovers trope." Kevin replied without looking up. 

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