One day(Milnyu)

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The Boyz were doing a schedule as usual. They were shooting a variety show as usual. They were having fun and messing around as usual. New was getting bullied, ahem, teased as usual.

"So, who acts like the mom of the group usually?" Dara asked. 

They were currently shooting Idol League with Dara and Eunkwang. They felt more comfortable since they were already familiar with Eunkwang and Dara also seemed so kind. 

"I guess it's New hyung? He takes care of us a lot." Haknyeon spoke. The rest nodded in agreement. 

"Yeah. He always checks whether we wear our clothes properly." Sangyeon said.

"And tidy up our hair." Juyeon added.

"And nag us to eat properly." Kevin added.

"Cooks for us a lot too." Eric added. 

"New, I'll be the dad then." Hyunjae squeezed in amidst the talk.

Hearing the continuous additions of his members, New took a deep breath and accepted the accusation. He put on a warm motherly smile and turned to his members. 

"Yes, kids. Do you know how much I care for you?" New teased, the rest bursting out into laughter at his act.

"Whoa, he's already immersed." Sangyeon teased. New grinned and continued his act in satisfaction.

"Even though I didn't give birth to you guys, I adore you very much. Let's work hard together in the future, alright?" He spoke in the sweetest tone that he only usually uses when he's trying to coax or persuade. Usually Eric. 

 "Yes, you said it very well, darling." Hyunjae said. 

New grew wide eyed at that and hid his face behind his sweater paws in surprise. Hyunjae seemed to be enjoying his reaction though. He further continued to take it up a notch. 

"Let's keep doing what we do in the future. And, never stop having what we have together." Hyunjae added after slight hesitation. 

New looked up at that and glanced at Hyunjae who was smiling at him with a meaningful look. New immediately looked back at the cameras, worried that he might blush accidentally. Hyunjae might have been joking. But New wanted to believe he meant the last sentence. 

At least he hoped Hyunjae meant it. 

New sat in the living room on the floor, staring out at the balcony window. He was hugging his knees as his baggy white Tee engulfed his thin frame.  Most of the members were at practice and members like Younghoon had their own individual schedules. 

Unusually, New was alone at the dorm right now. He was alone with only the balcony light dimly shining into the dark living room. Alone with his thoughts. 

His mind kept going back to that moment when he made eye contact with Hyunjae after he said that. New and Hyunjae's relationship was too intimate for Hyunjae to only joke about those kind of stuff. 

New had thought about it a lot. What would happen afterwards? Would they still be together? Or would they be forced to break up due to pressure? 

The mere thought haunted New. His chest started feeling hollow and cold. It was a kind of fear that he couldn't imagine but was sure it was gonna leave him scarred as hell. New tightened his arms around his knees, pulling them closer, making him look like a white pile of whipped cream with his blue hair as a blueberry on top. 

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