I'm your hyung! (Hyunjae X New)

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Prompt: Hyunjae had had enough. He was older and he needed to put New in his place.... or will he?

The Boyz were at the filming site for their new music video. It was supposed to be a cheerful summer vibe so they were all lounging around.

Juyeon and Sunwoo were gaming hard on their phone silently. Juyeon's eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Sunwoo was frowning hard as he moved his fingers swiftly across the phone screen. Then, it happened.

"I'm not taking it anymore!" Hyunjae shouted, slamming down his chair.

"Take what anymore?" Sunwoo asked absentmindedly.

"I've had enough!" Hyunjae shouted again, shooting up from his seat.

The game ended right at that moment. Juyeon put his phone down and looked up at Hyunjae. Sunwoo sipped on his juice box as he waited for Hyunjae to continue. 

"I'm not letting Choi Chanhee get away with disrespecting me anymore! I need to reprimand him. Put him in his place as the younger." Hyunjae said, nostrils flaring in determination.

Juyeon and Sunwoo glanced at each other. Then, they burst out into a fit of laughter. Juyeon wheezed as his hands flopped around to hold Sunwoo to steady himself. Sunwoo kept slapping his lap as he laughed hard. 

"S-Sure, hyung." Juyeon said between laughs.

"Hey, I'm being serious. I'm the hyung. I'm older than him. He needs to realize that whether he wants to or not." Hyunjae huffed.

"Well, then, here's your chance cause New hyung is coming this way." Sunwoo said.

Indeed, he was. New was walking towards them with his phone and fan in one hand. Hyunjae stood confidently with his hands on his hip. He held his head up high just as New arrived. Sunwoo and Juyeon luckily got the front row seats to the upcoming show. 

"Hey, New!" Hyunjae called out even when New was right in front of him.

"What." New said, looking at him.

Even that sounded stern to Hyunjae and he flinched. Hyunjae's hands dropped from his hips and placed in front of him in a respectful manner. He put on a cheerful grin.

"You got something on your face." he said.

"Huh? What is it?" New said, rubbing at his face.

Hyunjae wriggled his brows and leant in a bit closer. Juyeon and Sunwoo held their breaths cause they could kind of tell what was coming. 



"Yah, Lee Hyunjae!" New yelled.

Hyunjae instinctively brought up his arms to cover himself just as New was about to hit him. But New stopped midair and retracted back. He let out a sigh, pressing his lips into a thin line.

"Hyunjae-ah, it's already tiring to film in such a hot weather. Will you please behave yourself?" He said in the usual tone he always used with Hyunjae when he was trying to compose himself. 

Hyunjae nodded without a word. New rolled his eyes and walked away. 

"Oh, I thought you were going to reprimand him. But you were actually referring to him reprimanding you? I must've heard wrong." Sunwoo chimed, trying to control his laughter

"Well, yeah. Hyunjae hyung is the older one after all." Juyeon joined in, snorting and trying to shut up his giggles. 

Hyunjae frowned at them. He crossed his arms and glared at the laughing duo.

"I just forgot. I'm going to talk to New right now!" He said, stomping away. 

Hyunjae went to find the blue-haired boy all over the filming site. He spotted the blue fluff at the edge of the swimming pool. He cleared his throat and stomped towards the unsuspecting boy. New was scrolling on his phone when Hyunjae got there. 

"Hey, New!" He shouted again.

"Hyunjae-ah, shh." New said.

Hyunjae shut up immediately, covering his mouth with his hand. Then he frowned. Wait, he was supposed to be talking to New. 

"I got something to say." He said in a lowered tone.

"What other nonsense have you got this time?" New sighed.

"It's not nonsense. I'm dead serious. So put away your phone this instant." Hyunjae stared at New right in the eyes. 

Yes, I sounded so damn cool, Hyunjae thought proudly to himself.

New looked done with Hyunjae. But he put his phone away and gave the man full attention. Hyunjae smirked and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, I am older than you, correct?" 


"Then according to the traditions, you need to treat me with respect, correct?"


"Then, you should talk to me courteously, correct?"


"Why are you accepting everything I'm saying right now? You're starting to scare me." Hyunjae said, backing up a bit. 

"Well, think of it this way. You can't keep denying a clueless baby what he wants, can you?" New replied with a smile.

"Oh, right. You can't.......... a baby?" 

Hyunjae pointed at himself and raised a brow.

"Are you referring to me as a baby?" He asked.

"I didn't say anything like that. Does Hyunjae think he's a baby himself?" New said.

"I..I'm an adult." Hyunjae pouted.

"That's right. And an adult listens well. So how about you go off and take a rest now, Hyunjae?"

Hyunjae also nodded as if hypnotized. He turned away and started walking when he halted his steps. Realization hit him and he spun back right away. He stomped towards a grinning New. 

"What is it, adult Hyunjae?" He asked, suppressing a grin.

"Ok. Like you said, I'm an adult. So-" Hyunjae cupped New's cheeks with his hands and pulled him forward, pressing their lips together into a kiss. Then he pulled back with a cheerful grin.

"-I can do this as much as I want, right?" He said, smiling ear-to-ear.

New blinked for a couple of times.

"What?" He said, blankly.

Hyunjae's smile didn't falter. He pressed their lips together again and kissed again. And once more. And once more. 

And just before the fourth kiss happens, Hyunjae had to scurry away because New started to hit and chase after him. 

A/N: A very short imagine based on a behind-the-scenes video I saw today. It was from their filming site. Hyunjae teased New about something and New was about to hit him again and I just had to write something about them. 

Stay up at Night (One Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora