[Introduction + Giveaway]

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I'm so glad you've found your way to Amortentia! This is the second installment of the Felix Felicis series, so if you haven't read the first book, make sure to go to my profile and see the beginning of Mira Mason's story (:

Firstly, this story is intended for mature audiences. While Felix Felicis dealt with some serious and sensitive issues, Amortentia will dive deeper into topics like this. This story will also contain smut, so reader discretion is advised.

Secondly, while I am so excited to work on this book, I can't promise Amortentia will be updated daily. I know a lot of my readers love the daily uploads and I've never missed a day because I know how much it means to you. However, I'm taking a heavier course load at my university and school has to come first; longer and more detailed chapters take more time as well. I will most likely post a chapter ever other day, but will post daily when I can. You won't go longer than three days without a chapter, that's certain! Once my classes are over (end of May) I'll be able to dedicate a LOT more time to writing for you guys.

Now, for the fun stuff!

To celebrate the second book in the Felix Felicis series, I am doing my biggest giveaway yet! This one will be done mainly on Wattpad, and will be open to all readers!

I will be randomly selecting 2 readers to win a Felix Felicis or Amortentia keychain (you pick!), a personalized and wax sealed letter, and some other smaller goodies! A picture of the keychains are on my Instagram story now!

Here's the rules!
1. You must follow me on Wattpad
2. You must have Felix Felicis and Amortentia in a public reading list
3. As always, 1 vote on FF = 1 additional entry (if you vote on all the chapters you have 125 entries!)
4. You must vote on this chapter of Amortentia

Ways to get additional entries (not required!)
1. Following me on Instagram and TikTok is an additional 25 entries each!
2. Liking all my Instagram posts is 1 entry each (total 23 more entries)
3. Commenting your favorite Felix Felicis character and why they're your favorite is 10 additional entries!

The giveaway will close on 20 April 2021 at 11:59pm PST!

Good luck, and thank you for your understanding and patience. I have a large chunk of the beginning already mapped out in my head, I just need to find the time to write it out. The first real chapter will be published on 18 April 2021, I hope to see you then (:


Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now