40. Triad

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•Mira POV•

Fred and George sit on the couch, waiting for me before they start smoking. Charlie follows behind me, and scoffs when he sees the things in front of his brothers.

"Smoking in the living room? Idiots." He says. "Mum's going to wake up soon."

"Shut up." Fred calls out. He rolls his eyes, but he starts packing up his things anyway. "Let's go to my room."

"I've got to make breakfast. I owe Charlie." I say quietly. "You can start without me, I'll catch the tail end." I smile.

I open the refrigerator and find eggs and some veggies; omelettes will do. Fred pops up behind me, looking over my shoulder. "Whatever you're making, I want one." He smiles.

I push him back by taking a step back, laughing as I do. I've missed this; I've missed the lightheartedness of being with the Weasley family.

"Hey, I want one too. I haven't eaten." George says sheepishly.

"Alright, now that I'm your personal chef is there anything else you'd like?" I ask sarcastically.

"Well-" Fred starts.

I ignore him and start cooking, glad that the feeling of the room is light and fun. I realize now that this morning had felt so heavy, and I didn't even know it.

•Adrian POV•

Julia looks amazing today. Her soft brown hair is down; it reaches the top of her swimsuit bottoms. I watch as she puts sun lotion on Alexandra, laughing and tickling her.

She sends my sister off into the water and walks up to me. "Do you need any? I don't burn, but Aly said you do." She laughs.

I nod. "You'll have to put it on me."

She rolls her eyes and I flop onto my stomach. I try to flex a bit as she rubs the lotion on my bare skin; I can hear her humming a little song as she does. "Okay, you can do the rest." She says, handing me the bottle.

I sit up next to her, smiling lightly at her. I don't know how I've never noticed it. She's gorgeous, truly. Perhaps she had barely grown into her beauty; she's happier and full of confidence now. My sister calls for Julia to join her and she laughs, saying she'll be there in a minute.

I start to rub the lotion on myself and look over to her. The sun is hitting her face just right. She looks to me, blushing lightly. I lean in, closing my eyes.

"Hey, Adrian? Come here, we're building sand castles." Julia calls from the water. I hold the bottle of lotion in my hand, a goop of the sun cream in my other palm.

"Sorry. My imagination was running wild." I call back. I stand and run over, haphazardly rubbing the lotion on my shoulders. I can't be an idiot. Julia is my friend; any romantic thought of her had to be eradicated. "Tell me about your boyfriend. I never really talked to the bloke." I say.

"Oh, he's great. Perfect really. He just got this huge internship abroad, I miss him. But he's brilliant, and he's really so kind." She boasts.

"Is he cute?" Alexandra asks, giggling.

"Oh, the cutest. He's blonde and he's got kind brown eyes. He's got these huge muscles on his arms." She says, dreamily.

Okay, that's exactly what I needed to hear. She loves him, and he's a good bloke. I can't screw that up for her, it wouldn't be fair. "You should invite him over, when he's back from his work." I offer.

"Oh, that's so kind of you. But I can't, I've already invited people over without asking you." She says, filling a bucket with sand.

"My home is your home, Julia. Invite whoever you'd like." I tell her. "I don't like that you're lonely in the house. I apologize for leaving you hanging those first two weeks."

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now