20. Lover's Quarrel

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"I'm starved." Julia announces, rubbing her flat belly lightly. We've spent no more than an hour in Ravenclaw tower, just talking and trying to hold on to our dwindling time together.

"Why don't we all go out to eat? We can go to Hogsmeade, or have a picnic, or-" I say excitedly,

"A picnic sounds absolutely perfect to me." Robert interjects.

"To me too, love." George says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. He squeezes me close to him, rubbing my arm lightly.

"How about the boys go to the kitchens, and the girls set us up outside?" Jacob offers, and Julia perks up.

"I know a perfect spot, George will know where to go. Robert knows it too, I suppose." I say quietly.

George's arms tense a bit around me. "Right. We'll go now, and meet you there." He says tensely. I realize I probably shouldn't have brought up that Robert and I hung out at my favorite spot, but it really didn't mean much. I mean, it's just a spot by the lake.

The boys all mutter goodbyes to Julia and me, and she turns to me quickly. "What in Merlin's name is going on between you and Robby?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you on about?" I ask, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Oh come on, like it isn't obvious. You two have been getting pretty close, don't you think?" She asks, joyfully giggling and clutching my shoulder.

I giggle with her, a bit nervously. "Oh that's rubbish. We're friends." I shrug. "And I have a boyfriend... and Robert is graduating."

"You're so boring. I think he suits you better than George." She tells me, starting to walk towards the door.


Julia and I sit at the base of the tree, waiting for the boys. She had transfigured a leaf into a blanket; and sat next to me. She had felt bad for her comments about Robert, apologizing profusely and even offered to do my hair as we wait. I decide to let her braid it, since I had forgoteen to ask George earlier.

We move to sit so I face away from her, and she starts to plait at the top of my head. "I really didn't mean ill by it, Mira. I just meant that Robert is aesthetically different than George, and when you're with him you're all smiles and-"

"I get it, Jules. It was just a cheeky comment, I'm not even upset with you." I say, reaching up to touch her arm lightly. I don't know why Julia thinks I'd be upset; she also was worried to tell me about her summer plans.

"Well, I think he's really nice." Julia says, and I can hear her smile through her words. She ties my hair and throws the braids over my shoulders, moving to sit by my side once more.

"He's so nice! He got me this necklace when we were in Greece. He saw me eyeing it in the shop and thought to get it for me, isn't that incredible? He's like, the best friend ever. After you, of course." I giggle.

"Yeah, a great friend he is." She says with a smug grin. We both laugh out loud, bending over at the waist. We sit and talk about small things for a while, Julia braiding her own hair as we wait for the boys to come back. Julia's stomach growls, which makes the both of us laugh even harder.

"Think something is funny?" We hear behind us, turning to see Jacob calling out to us.

"Well don't you look nice. I like the little plaits." Robert says, smiling lightly at Julia and I. The boys walk, up each carrying large baskets and smiling lightly.

George takes a seat next to me, placing the basket on the center of the blanket. His hand snakes to my thigh, resting just under the hem of my short dress. My heart beat goes just a little faster.

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