8. Distractions*

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I sit on George's bed, doing my makeup. He had forced me to pack all of my little products in a small bag, waiting for me at the foot of the stairs.

"Look, how nice is this babe? You never have to leave. You could live right here; you have your makeup and your books and-" He says, copying my Divination homework at his desk.

"And what about my clothing, George?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

He shrugs. "You don't need to wear any."

I scoff. "You have roommates. I doubt they'll appreciate that. Did you know the Hufflepuffs have their own rooms? They get so much more privacy, it's so unfair." I say casually.

"Really? That's so unfair! How do you even know that?" George asks, crossing his arms across his chest and turning to look at me.

I look back to my makeup, intensely putting on blusher so I don't have to look at him. I really need to think a bit before I speak. I can't lie to him, so I try to put on a casual tone when I say, "Cedric told me they all live separately."

"How did that come up?" He asks, and I can feel his gaze burning into me.

"It just came up." I answer.

George sighs. "You're lying. Just tell me the truth."

"I got to see his room, there was only one bed. He said they're all like that." I tell him, still not looking at him.

George's eyebrows furrow over his eyes. "Why were you in his room?" He asks, his voice full of conviction.

"He took me there after my argument with Fred." I say.

"Why was he there? Why would you run to Cedric and not me?" He asks.

"Calm down. Just an hour back together and we're already in an argument?" I say, setting my makeup down.

"We're not in an argument. At least I'm not arguing with anyone." He says, turning back to the desk.

"You're right. Sorry." I mumble, realizing I really was unnecessarily on the defense. I begin to put all my makeup back in my bag. "Actually, can we talk a bit? Without starting an argument." I ask, nervousness creeping into my voice.

I don't regret forgiving George; I know deep down I really wanted to. I just hate the on again, off again, but I don't know how to tell him. Plus, he had already apologized for his words... and I had already accepted. I don't want to bring it up again, but I can't help but feel that I had only forgiven him right then and there due to the heat of the moment.

I was so glad to see him, so glad he wasn't upset. I had forgiven Fred right before, and the gift of the charm helped my mood. I didn't really get a chance to tell him how I felt, and I can't help but feel that I've missed my opportunity.

He sets his quill down with a huff, which makes me look back at him. He stands and moves to the bed, dragging his fingertips across the comforter. He looks down, watching as he drags around the fabric.

"You know we still have thirty minutes before dinner." He states. I nod. "There's a lot we can do in thirty minutes."

"Come on, I'm trying to talk to you." I mutter, starting to brush my hair.

George's hand slowly moves towards my leg, and he lightly drags his fingers against my bare thigh. "Well, love, I haven't been able to please you in far too long." He whispers. I stop brushing my hair, looking at him as he slowly begins to inch towards my heat. I grow a bit nervous. "I think it would help the both of us blow off some steam, would you agree? We could always talk later." He suggests.

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now