14. Traditions

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Our day at the beach was calm; I had studied on the beach for a few hours before Julia had forced me to jump into the ocean with her.

All of the boys had joined us, and nothing had gone awry. That was, of course, until we all got back to the villa. The twins and Julia were completely sunburnt; their pale skin was now a deep red which stung at the touch. I can't help but feel bad for them; we only had a day left and they were in so much pain.

George has been letting me completely baby him, as the three victims had slept on the couch (which had been magicked into three large beds while they were sleeping). They blasted the air conditioning as cold as it could go, conditions which Jacob and I had refused to sleep under. We opted to sleep in our own beds, alone.

Today is Sunday, and we're meant to leave at eight o'clock tonight. It feels like we've barely got here, and now it'll be time for us to leave. I sit at the kitchen counter, eating my breakfast as I read from my Herbology textbook. It's about nine in the morning, and I had already dressed in my white linen pants and the small shirt I had packed; I feel a bit more comfortable in it now after my conversation with Julia yesterday.

"Mira, get your face out of that textbook and go out. Please, it's the last day." Julia calls out from her spot on the couch.

"Where would I go? Half of our group is sick, I can't just leave you all here." I say, continuing to read.

"Jacob will stay here. He'll be able to help, he's looking up spells that can cure us right now. He's certain to find one, and then we'll enjoy the rest of the day together. At least get a head start, don't let us drag you down." Julia argues.

I look to George. He bites his cheek for a moment. "Go on, stay safe. Take Lee with you to ensure you don't get kidnapped and held for ransom."

"You're so dramatic." Lee laughs, slapping George on the back- he hits him right on his sunburn.

George groans and grits his teeth tightly. "You arse. You're lucky I'm incapacitated-" I stand and move to the left side of the house, where Julia, Jacob and Robert slept. I knock on Robert's door lightly.

"Come in." He calls out, and I open the door slowly.

"Morning, Robby." I say softly.

"Morning, doll. Everything alright?" He asks. His hair is wet and messy, and he wears only shorts and shoes. His body was different than George or Adrian; while they were big and broad, Robert was all lean muscle.

"Reckon so, the sunburned ones are still complaining though. Erm, Lee and I are going into town to check it out. The others are going to join us later, when they feel better. Would you like to come?" I ask quietly.

I step closer to him, sitting on the edge of his bed. I feel a bit awkward, but Rob touches my shoulder lightly and smiles. "Of course." He tells me, grabbing a t-shirt from his closet. "Are we leaving now, or have I got time to brush my hair?"

"You can brush it. I quite like the way you do your hair, I keep asking George to cut his." I say, laying down across the foot of the bed and yawning. I play with my wand as I stare at the ceiling, waiting for Robert to be finished.

There is a small pause, and I hear Robert clear his throat. "Have you been having fun?" Robert asks me as he finishes up the combing of his hair.

Lee appears in the open doorway, not allowing me to answer. "Almost ready? Jacob says that they'll be meeting us in two hours maximum."

I sit up, nodding as I move to stand next to Lee. Lee wraps and arm around my neck, messing with my hair. Robert joins us; I hook my arm through his as we all walk out as a group. I try not to think about how the muscles in his arm pop out against my grip.

We call out goodbyes to the group on the couch; Jacob waves his wand and repeats a series of spells, and waves a small goodbye. Lee squats and throws me on his back, causing me to squeal. He runs out of the front door, carrying me piggy back style through the cobblestone streets.

"You're going to drop me you sod!" I giggle, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"Then hold on tightly! Robert, keep up." Lee laughs. We walk all the way to the town, where tiny shops lines the streets. The buildings are all white and beautiful, and I can't help but get lost in the beauty of the city.

Lee sets me down, letting me walk about. "I'm going to go into this shop, you don't have to wait for me." I call out to the boys, sneaking through the door before they protest.

The shop is small and quaint, but beautiful. The entire inside is colorful and bright; framed stained glass artwork lines the walls, and small glass jewelry sits on the tables around the room. The shopkeeper is a small woman who smiles brightly at me as I walk through and admire the different pieces of art.

I stand admiring a thin necklace when a body appears next to me. Robert grabs the necklace from my hands, smiling at it. "This is quite pretty." He says, handing it back to me.

"Everything in here is amazing. I think it's all handmade." I say, blushing lightly as I set it down on the table. I pause for a second. "Where's Lee?"

"Went out to look for a suitable restaurant for us to get lunch." Robert replies, playing with his hands. He pushes his glasses up and chuckles a bit; I can tell he's a bit nervous.

We walk through the shop together, thanking the shopkeeper as we exit empty handed. We make it five steps away from the shop before Robert groans and slaps his legs. "What's wrong?" I ask, pausing on the pavement.

"I've left my wand. Stay here, I'll only be a moment." Robert says, putting his hands on my shoulders and squeezing me lightly, as if he was pressing me into the ground.

He is gone before I can answer, running back into the shop. As I wait, I look around the street. A flower shop sits in front of me, and I make a mental note to enter it when Robert finds his wand. He's back in less than a moment, blushing lightly and holding his wand up. He mutters something about being forgetful as I grab his hand to pull him across the street, entering the flower shop quickly.

The smell is fresh and clean, and I find one of my favorite flowers; a small pink muggle flower which I can never remember the name of. This is the exact flower that I have encapsulated in the necklace that George had given me. I decide to buy a small grip of them, paying the shopkeeper with a note that George had given me yesterday. Where he found muggle money, I don't know. When we came home from the beach, he had a small bag of notes and coins which he had divided evenly amongst us.

Robert offers to carry them for me and I agree, walking through the city as I decide to start looking for Lee; he's been gone for far too long. I walk around the streets with Rob at my side, until we see a beautiful alleyway; I stop in my tracks as I admire it. The alleyway leads directly to the ocean, mesmerizingly beautiful.

"Mira?" Robert says quietly. I acknowledge him quietly, and he continues. "Well, back in that shop-"

"Kiss! It is tradition. You kiss your lover at the viewpoint!" The voice of a teenage girl calls out. I look up and see a girl sitting on a balcony, holding the metal rails with both hands and sticking her head between them to look at us.

"Oh, no, we're not-" I start, but am forced to stop. Robert leans down, kissing me on the cheek lightly. I thank Merlin it wasn't my lips, but I feel shocked all the same. "What are you doing?" I say quickly, taking a step back.

"Sorry, I-"

"Mira? Is something wrong?" I hear behind me. Of course; what perfect timing Lee had.

"No, everything is fine. How about we go back to the house, see how the others are doing?" I call out, stepping away from Robert and towards Lee.

"I think we're feeling just fine." I hear, seeing George turn the corner.

In his hands he holds a bouquet of pink flowers; they are the very same flowers I had bought as well. I run into his arms, holding him tightly. He lifts and spins me for a second, kissing my cheek. When he sets me down he holds my hand, I look up to see Robert is gone.

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now