7. Hufflepuff Territory

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Cedric pulls me away, and I can feel that we are going down a set of stairs. I wipe the tears from my eyes, seeing that we're entering the dungeons. My heart begins to race. Why were we going to the dungeons? Cedric holds my hand as he leads me, and I'm unable to ask him where he was taking me. My words stay lodged in my throat.

I see the large portrait of the fruit bowl and realize he's taking me to the kitchens. However, to my surprise, he keeps walking. We reach the end of the hall, and he turns us to face a pile of barrels.

He leans down to tap on a barrel a few times, and suddenly the entire wall shifts. A thin path appears, and Cedric takes my hand once more. We walk down the hall, and I realize that I am in the Hufflepuff dormitory.

The room is round, but extremely large. The walls look like they're made of a white brick, but the yellow hue of the room turns them slightly beige. Lush green plants line the room, basking in the warm sunlight provided by small circular windows.

"This is beautiful, Cedric." I say, my voice still thick from my tears from earlier. I clear my throat, watching as he pulls me to a couch on the side of the room. He pulls me down to sit next to him, turning so he can face me.

He tucks my hair behind my ear softly, leaving his hand on my cheek. His gaze is intense, and it makes me want to shy away from him. I don't know why I feel so uncomfortable around Cedric; we're good friends.

"What's happened, Mira?" He says, his voice quiet. I hate the fact that he feels bad for me. I don't want to be pitied.

"It's a long story." I sigh. I cross my legs on the couch, and stare at my hands in my lap.

"I've got nothing but time. If it's... sensitive... we can go somewhere private." He whispers, leaning closer to me.

I nod. Without warning, he stands and lifts me, carrying me bridal style down a hall. The doors are all circular; they're made of a light wood which gives off an intoxicatingly sweet scent. He walks for about a minute, then turns to his door.

He knocks a series of times, and the door swings open. He walks me a few paces into the room, setting me down gently on his bed.

I look around the room in awe. His room is covered in plants; they hang from his roof and line his walls. The ceiling twinkles like a night sky full of stars, and his floor looks like it's made of a teak wood. His sheets are a crisp white and cool to the touch; I notice that his bed is about two times the size of mine.

I notice it's the only bed in the room. "You live alone? How?" I ask, turning to watch him. He lights a candle on his desk, smiling lightly.

"We all do. We're meant to be the house of friendship, and I suppose a healthy part of that is finding time to recharge alone." He shrugs. He sits on the bed next to me, waiting for me to speak.

"Long version or short version?" I ask, looking at him.

"Whichever you prefer." Is his response.

Nodding, I begin at the start of this academic year. Once I start, I can't stop. I speak and speak; even through my tears I continue to tell him everything. How I felt torn, how I thought I would ruin my friendship with the Weasley's... even how I fell in love with Adrian. My heart breaks again when I tell Cedric what Adrian did to me.

Cedrics hands ball into fists when I tell him about Adrian putting love potion in my drink, but he lets me continue. I beg him to not tell anyone, and he only nods. I tell him about how I got back with George, and somehow fell in love with him. He was my best friend for six years, how could I not love him?

I tell him everything's a mess, and he moves to hold me as I cry. When I have nothing left to say, I attempt to catch my breath. I will myself to stop crying, embarrassed that I had sobbed to Cedric about my boy problems.

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now