15. Change of Tune

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•George POV •

Mira has been acting a bit strange since we got back. She's been a bit passive aggressive for the last week, but now her tone has changed. She's a lot closer to me, attaching herself to me at any chance she got.

She holds me tightly as we go to class, tucking her arm through mine. I love when she holds me like that, although flexing my arm the entire time was a bit tiring.

We had arrived back last night, after spending most of the day in the village. We hadn't spoken of our argument since Saturday, and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I hate when she's upset with me, but I can't help but feel that she's always somewhat annoyed with me.

I don't do it on purpose; if anything, I actively tried to not be annoying to her. I never let Fred prank her, and I try to be on my best behavior when I'm with her.

I know there's something else that gets on her nerves. I guess she does have some validity to her points... I reckon that shagging every night wasn't really good for us. I mean, it's great for me, but perhaps it was different for girls. It's not like I had anyone to ask, I didn't have any friends who were female.

Merlin, shagging her was something else. I've shagged plenty of other girls- although my number wasn't anything close to Fred's. No one compared to her, no one even came close. The way her back arches upwards when-

"Mr. Weasley?" Professor Trelawney calls, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, professor?" I answer, not sure of what was going on.

"Can you tell me which tea leaves are specifically used in readings pertaining to the next five to ten years?" She asks, her tone snide and abrasive. She knows I don't know, she's trying to humiliate me.

Mira stares at the professor, but I notice her hand moving rather quickly. I glance down, seeing she writes the answer for me. Black Tea. She writes. "Black tea, ma'am."

Professor Trelawney pauses. "Ha!" She pauses. "Well, yes. Good job." She says, before turning back to the class.

"Thanks baby." I whisper, placing my hand on her knee. I gently rub on her knee, moving my hand up slightly. She swats my hand away quickly, rolling her eyes. Right, I probably shouldn't have done that.

I don't want her to feel like I'm using her, that's the most vital part of this. She's lovely and beautiful and kind. I love her, I love every part of her.

Her smile, the way she fidgets with the hem of her skirt when she's nervous. I love the way her eyebrow furrows when she's concentrating, and how her eyes light up when she puts together the puzzle pieces of whatever she's working on. The way her hair falls when she's reading her books, the way her hair splays out around her when she's on her back... George, stop it.

I pinch my knee, trying to not think about it. I walk my hand over to her, placing her hand in mine. I bring our conjoined hands to my leg, bouncing my knee lightly.

She smiles lightly, trying to write with her left hand now that I'm holding her dominant one. She's so beautiful. She's so exquisite, and she's mine. I know there's many blokes out there who want her, but she chose me. I can't screw this up.

"You're staring at me." She whispers, looking at the Professor as she speaks.

"Sorry. You're just so pretty." I whisper back.

I see her cheeks flush and I smile. "You're a knob."

"A knob that loves you."

She pauses, trying to hide her smile. "I love you too."

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now