27. Leaving Hogwarts

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The cabin on the train is cold. I lean my head against the glass, watching the scenery undulate in front of us. I feel a bit strange. I always sit with the twins and Lee in the train. Always. Now, I sit next to Robert. His hand rests on my knee, which does not go unnoticed by the others in the cabin.

Julia had raised her eyebrows and given me a thumbs up, and Jacob had chuckled but not made a comment. Robert hadn't said anything; he holds some Muggle book of fiction with his free hand and reads it quietly. I don't know how I feel. I know I have some sort of feelings for Robert, and I know he had those same feelings back. Sitting here now, it feels so close- yet so far.

Every few minutes, he moves his thumb against my bare knee; my heart begins to race each time. Julia clears her throat. "Robby, you never got to tell us about your summer job." She says sweetly. She looks at me and smiles.

Robert closes his book, setting it down on his lap. "Well it's not a job, exactly. It's an apprenticeship, under the Ministry. For Alchemy, it's what my parents wanted. I might've preferred the Herbology offer in Scotland, but mum refused." He says quietly.

"Alchemy? Like Flamel?" I ask, placing my hand over his on my knee.

He nods, smiling lightly. "It's the study of the four basic elements, and it leads to transmutation and... sorry, you get the point."

"No, go on." Jacob says, leaning his elbows on his knees.

"I'll be working with the Ministry, focusing on the metaphysical speculation of transmutation. We'll work to see the possibilities of creating spiritually linked gold." Robert says, moving his hand from my leg to emphasis his words with his hands.

The cabin goes quiet; I don't think anyone actually understand what he's saying. "That sounds interesting! That'll keep you busy." Jacob says, a heartbeat later. "Beats going into Arithmancy. I'm destined to be bored."

"But you're great at math." I offer, trying to make him feel a bit better about his career decision.

"Well, Robert. I don't think you realize how brilliant you are." Julia says quietly. "I've understood two of the words you've said."

"You are brilliant, Robby. You're going to do amazingly." I say, looking at him. His smile grows wide, and he shrugs his shoulders.

"Hopefully." He says. "I just can't help but think that Herbology would have been much simpler. I already understand that quite well. But a Ministry job is as good as it can get."

"Mira, isn't your father a Herbologist? He works for the Ministry, doesn't he?" Julia asks with a smile.

I nod, crossing my arms across my chest. Before I can answer, Jacob begins to speak. "I didn't know the Ministry of Magic held Herbology positions."

"Neither did I." Robert says quietly.

"He works with my mother. She's an Auror, they've worked together to add Herbology in the Ministry, starting last year. They've been working on creating a new alternative to Veritaserum." I say, my ears feeling hot.

"Wow, wait until my parents hear about that. Herbology in the Ministry!" Robert says excitedly.

"If you'd like, I can try to learn more about it from my dad. I'll tell you what he says." I say, looking back to the window midway through my sentence. "This is my favorite part, look!" I say, pointing at the glass.

Julia presses her face against the window, and I feel Robert's body leaning closer to me. His hand finds its way to my waist so he can lean over and look out of the window, and my breath catches in my throat.

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