17. Exams*

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Exam week is always hell. The last three days have been merciless, exam after exam after exam.

George has tried to ease my stress in every moment we spend together. In all honesty, it isn't much time at all. He says it's unhealthy, how much time I spend in the library. I've always been nit-picky about my grades during exam week, but this was different. This determined my final year at Hogwarts.

If I didn't pass all of my exams, I wouldn't be allowed to continue in my classes. Forget taking my NEWTS next year, I wouldn't have any work opportunities when I graduate. George would come and visit me in the library, bringing me food and water at all hours of the day. At night, he pulls me to his bed- he only holds me and whispers to me that I'm doing well.

We lay together in his bed now; we haven't got any classes this week, only exams. Our next exam is Potions, later today at three. I sit up slowly, rubbing my eyes lightly. I take a look at the clock on George's bedside table. Eleven o'clock exactly. I turn back to George, seeing his eyes are still shut and his breath is still slow and even.

He looks so peaceful. I carefully sit up so I can pull my Potions textbook from his nightstand; I turn to a dog eared page and begin to read silently.

"Put the book down." George says, startling me. I drop the book on my lap, giggling a little.

"You've startled me, you dork." I say, picking the book back up.

He swings his arm and pushes the book back on my lap, curling his fingers to clutch the book by the top edge. He throws it across the room, and it lands by Lee's head. Lee doesn't even stir; he continues to snore lightly.

"You've been studying every single day. It can't be good for you, your brain will like... melt or something." George mumbles, placing his head on my lap.

"You're such a brat. Our exam is in only a few hours. After Friday, we don't have to study at all." I say, starting to play with his hair. "I can't wait until summer." I mutter.

Suddenly, George sits up. "I don't want summer to come, ever. I won't be able to see you, or cuddle you, or wake up to your pretty little face." He frowns. He caresses my cheek, rubbing his thumb across my cheekbone.

I smile into his touch for a moment. I pull away and kiss his cheek lightly, not knowing what to say. "We'll see each other." I whisper.

He doesn't answer, and I don't look at him. "I'm going to be so sad this summer." He says.

I turn to look at him, my heart beating a little faster than normal. "We'll figure something out. I'll try to apparate to the Burrow when I can." I say, crawling over to hug him.

He sighs and rubs my back lightly. I look up and kiss him on his lips softly, and he pulls me closer. I climb on top of him, and he smiles lightly. He grabs his wand and bewitches the curtain to close around us, then tucks it under his pillow and turns to me.

He grabs my bum with his hands, squeezing lightly. "Can't you stay right here forever?" He mutters, pushing me lower so his lips can reach my neck.

I blush and pull away, to his dismay. "I've got to study with Cedric at one." I inform him, placing my hands on his chest.

"Plenty of time until one." He whispers, his eyes growing a bit darker.

"Hm, if only there was something to do as we wait for the time to pass." I giggle, looking away.

George's hands move to my shoulders, and in a breath he has flipped me into my back. He hovers over me, grinning smugly. "Love?" He whispers, leaning to kiss me on the lips.

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now