45. Feelings of Inadequacy

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Robert had spoken to George for about fifteen minutes; I spent every minute worried sick.

Was George's little speech to me just a ploy? What could he tell Robert? My heart races. They had decided to take a walk outside as they spoke; my eyes were basically trained on the door since they left. To my relief, the door opens slowly. Robert enters first, followed by George. They're both smiling widely; I stand up quickly and walk over to them.

"It's getting late, love. We should go. We've got to leave early in the morning." Robert says. This was a lie, a bold faced lie for Mrs. Weasley. It was our excuse for me to spend the night at Robert's apartment; I promised that I would sleep on the couch, too. I also had to beg for her to not tell my parents, and Mrs. Weasley had a difficult time agreeing.

I smile and hold my bag up, which he quickly takes from my hands. We say our goodbyes, and apparate from the front yard quickly.

We land in front of his apartment complex, hand in hand. There's a light summer drizzle pouring from the sky; we run over to the overhang by the front door to try to stay dry. He opens the door of the main entrance for me and we enter quickly, laughing lightly. "Hey, babe? What did you and Ge-"

"You did something different with your hair, didn't you? It looks amazing, I love it. Go on, up the stairs you go. Here's the key, can you open the door for me?" Robert interrupts me, looking at the bag in his hand. I don't want to press him on the matter, so I nod and take the keys from him silently. I open the door and squeal; his apartment seems completely transformed.

Strings of lights hang from the ceiling; candles and flowers are suspended in midair. Chocolate frogs litter his counters, and when I take a step further into the space I see that small flakes of gold glitter fall from the ceiling.

I turn and throw my arms around him, jumping into his arms. He drops my bag and holds me tightly, spinning me around slowly. He carries me into the kitchen, setting me down on the counter. He smiles down at me, keeping his hands on my waist.

"This is so beautiful. You did this by yourself?" I ask, leaning in to give him a small peck on his cheek.

"I wanted to surprise you baby. I'm glad you've been staying with me." He says with a light blush on his cheeks.

"I love it. Absolutely love it, Rob." I say, my smile making my cheeks ache. My ears feel hot; I can't believe he did this for me. 

His cheeks grow even pinker, and he chuckles lightly. "I love seeing you smile." He whispers.

He leans in and kisses me slowly, pressing my body against his. I wrap my arms around his neck, lightly playing with the hair on the back of his head. I tug it quickly, causing him to groan and pull away.

I laugh, placing my hands on the sides of his head. I pepper him with kisses, all over his face. He laughs and pulls away, pulling me off of the counter. Instead of dilly-dallying, I pull Robert to the couch in the living room. I push him to sit, quickly crawling on top of him.

I kiss him heatedly, aching to be closer to him. His hands rub on my bum, squeezing me through the fabric of my pants. "Thank you for this surprise, baby." I whisper, pulling away.

He smiles up at me, stroking my hair. "I'd do anything for you. You already know that."

I nod, not knowing what to say back. My chest suddenly feels very heavy, and I feel a bit guilty. Robert is perfect, and I'm anything but. I sit back, pulling away from his body. I slide off and sit next to him on the couch. My eyes begin to burn; I sniffle lightly.

"My love? What's happened? Have I said something wrong?" Robert asks, his voice rising five octaves.

I shake my head, my cheeks stained with tears already. "No, I'm sorry. I just... I feel bad." I whisper.

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now