6. Confrontation

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Robert and I sit on the sand of the Black Lake; he had taken his cardigan off so I could sit on it.

I bring my knees to my chest, turning away from him slightly so I don't show him my underwear. He's obviously a bit nervous, and if I'm honest so am I. The waves are gentle, and the weather is almost perfect.

"This is my favorite spot. You're lucky, I never bring people here." I joke, bumping his arm with my elbow.

He smiles. "I'm very lucky indeed. I get to relax for once, with a pretty girl by my side. It's great." He says, looking to me halfway through his sentence.

I blush and turn away, staring back over the water. "Why were you going to talk to Snape yesterday?" I ask, trying to change the subject. I don't know how I feel. I think Robert is attractive, but I'm not sure if my heart will allow me to look at him that way.

Robert is good enough company, but my heart aches. I think of George, and I think of Adrian. Finding George in bed with another reminds me of when I found Adrian with Victoria.

Lunch with my friends and Robert had provided me a distraction from thinking of my boy... my ex-boyfriend. Now, sitting at the lake with nothing else to do, I can't help but think of George, and even Adrian.

I wonder how Adrian and his mother are. She looked so sick the last time I saw her; I try to shake the picture out of my mind. I don't want to think of it, not now at least. My mind wanders back to George, shivering as I flash back to how he broke up with me.

Tears begin to well in my eyes. I can't cry now, not in front of Robert. How could I explain it to him? I turn and look back at him, admiring the structure of his handsome face. He stares at the rippling water, leaning back on his hands.

I realize he was answering me, but I hadn't been listening. "-so it basically was half my grade." He finishes.

I reach out and place my hand on top of his. He jumps a bit, but leans back towards me and blushes. "Thanks for hanging out with me. These last few days have been bollocks, if I'm honest. But you're sweet. I'm glad we met, although it wasn't under the best circumstances." I tell him.

His blush goes even deeper. "Thanks. I'm ecstatic to have met you." He says, looking down to our hands. I start to pull away, but he lifts his hand and grabs mine; he holds it lightly.

"I think we should go back to the castle; I'm getting a bit cold." I say. "I can show you the secret way to the kitchen if you'd like." He nods and I move to stand, but I fall over to my side after I slip on the soft fabric of the cardigan. He smiles and lifts me up with one arm; my feet even hang a couple of inches from the floor for just half a second. "You're strong." I mutter, my ears red.

He doesn't know how to respond. I kick myself for even saying anything. Robert is kind, but I may be putting too much into this simple conversation. We begin to walk towards the castle together quietly.

Suddenly his pinky finger brushes against my hand. My heart begins to pound; I don't move my arms at all. His hand brushes against my own again only a second later.

I cross my arms around my chest. I can't hold his hand. I had played the flip flop game too many times before, with George and Adrian. Merlin, how my heart aches about them both. Both situations were just a mess, and they were both my fault.

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now