35. Poor Timing

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•Robert POV •

My eyes flutter open. Mira is warm next to me, and I shift slightly to pull her closer to into my chest. She fits so perfectly in my arms; her skin feels so perfect against mine. But I feel a bit guilty.

We had almost had sex last night, but I had pulled away. I know she wants to take things slow, but in the heat of the moment she was just so... ready for it. I don't know if I should have let things happen or not, and I feel bad for shutting her down.

We had only just started... seeing each other. We had seen each other for months, just not in the way we are seeing each other now. We had only just started some sort of relationship, and I had lied to her. I told her I had gone all the way before, which was untrue. It was just so embarrassing to have to admit that I was seventeen, an entire adult, and I had never done it.

I know she has; she dated George for such a long time. I suddenly feel a bit angry towards George. He had had her, he had enjoyed every part of her, and I don't think he even cared for her. It's killing me to not know what the "mean" things he said to her were. He didn't deserve her. I pull her a bit closer to me; she lays facing me and nuzzles her face into my shoulder.

Last night I had asked her to be my girlfriend. She had smiled a beautiful bright smile; her cheeks turned that beautiful light pink that they so often did. She nodded without a word and kissed me. My heart nearly exploded then. She's my girlfriend. My girl, all mine. She's beautiful, kind, brilliant, and mine.

I've only had one girlfriend before, and she was a drag. She was always a bit mean to me, yet I thought it was just a bit of ill humor. We had never done anything that required the removal of clothing; she treated me more as an accessory to tote around school. Jacob had told me she was a wench, but I thought I liked her. I don't know why we dated, I suppose she was just the first girl who looked at me in that way.

Mira was different. She actually cared for me; she wanted to spend time with me. She was never rude to me, and she liked to listen to me talk. Even when I go off on one of my tangents about something she doesn't quite understand, she nods and smiles and acts like she gets it.

I look down at her, watching as her even breaths move her chest. Merlin, her chest looks amazing in this shirt. Last night, I had seen her chest without the shirt. That was... incredible. She's incredible, her body and her mind are just perfect.

I suddenly feel a light tingle below the sheets. Oh, no. You have got to be kidding me. Come on, stop it Robert. I've got to get rid of this before she wakes.

I try to sneak out of the bed, but I find that her bed creaks and groans with each movement I make. She stirs, turning over to her other side. Perhaps it'll go away on it's own. I move back to her, pulling her closely as I lay back down.

Her back presses against my chest, and her hair falls in every direction. She shifts again. I can hear her groan lightly; she yawns and stretches her arms. "Robert?" She asks quietly. Her voice is still full of drowsiness.

"Yes, princess?" I whisper. Princess? Am I a dunce? Was that taking it to far?

"Can you move your belt buckle? It's just pressing into my back a little bit." She says quietly.

I'm not wearing my belt. I had stripped into my underwear to sleep next to her, but I don't think she'll remember until she fully wakes up. "Sorry dear." I whisper, moving my body away from hers.

"No, you can still hold me. Please, I quite enjoy it. Just take off your belt, it's a bit uncomfortable." She whispers, still half asleep.

"Mira, I don't have my belt on." I say, my cheeks completely burning. She is quiet for a moment, and I feel for a split second that I may die of embarrassment.

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