41. Invitations

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•Robert POV•

My neck hurts. I've been hunched over my desk for the greater half of the day, working with those stupid chunks of metal. It's finally seven; I have to call it quits. Ministry hours were seven am to six pm, I should have gone home earlier. I just couldn't go home without at least accomplishing something on my new project.

Working for nearly the entire day was rough; I only got one hour long break for lunch. It was tiring, but I know it's worth it. I'm building something here. I'm going to be successful here, I know it. Alchemy wasn't my first choice, but it's a good one. I'll be someone, I finally will. I'll make good money at the Ministry, buy a nice home, have a nice family. I'll have whatever kind of wedding my wife wants, and I'll pay for everything she ever needs.

Part of me hopes it's all with Mira, but we have been together too short of a time to think that way. I know we've only been officially together for literally just a day, but I've adored her for so long. Since the moment I've laid eyes on her, the day she came to fetch Jacob. She didn't seem the brightest that day, but every single boy in the common room could agree on one thing: she was stunning.

I had pestered Jacob for information about her, but he had nothing to say other than, "Yeah, she's my bird's best friend. She's dating some guy, I don't know. Remember the Valentine's ball we had? She was my date. Oh yeah... you didn't go."

It was fate that I had found her in the dungeons that one day. It nearly scared me to death to see her on the ground, all passed out. But I was able to help her, I was able to take her to the infirmary. If I hadn't seen her then, I probably would have never spoken to her. Oh, I would have missed out on so much. She is completely beautiful, inside and out. She is brilliant and genuine and kind. I hate that I met her so late, but I feel that we might have met at a perfect time for the both of us.

I'll have to write to her tonight to tell her today's events. I hate that letters take a few days at the fastest, but it'll do. She's at the Burrow now, but I didn't have time to go see her even if she was at home.

I'll have to get some sort of takeaway dinner and then go to bed, just like every other day. I hate that the hours of the Ministry started so early, I felt like an old man waking up at the crack of dawn. I straighten my tie and pack up my briefcase, heading to the elevators so I can leave.

The elevator is empty, to my surprise. Most people got off early, I suppose. I had to stay just a bit later than most. I sigh and lean against the wall of the elevator, waiting for it to leave me on the ground floor. A few seconds later, there is a light ding. The elevator comes to a stop, and the doors open. Mr. Arthur Weasley steps into the elevator, fiddling with the straps of his briefcase. "Hello Mr. Weasley." I nod politely.

"Hello boy! How are you doing today?" He asks excitedly.

"Tired, it was a long day. How are you?" I say.

"Would be better if these bloody handles stayed put! I've got to get a new one of these soon." He mutters.

I look at his struggle. His straps are made of a thin leather, but they're slightly merged together. "Do you mind sir?" I ask, extending my hand.

He hands me his briefcase and I examine it a bit closer. "Seems you'll need only a bit of beechwood sir. If you rub it on this part here, they should be fine. They'll separate after a few rubs." I tell him. "My father works with leather; he owns a small shop in Birmingham."

"Why thank you, boy. I'll have to try that. Do you have any special plans for the evening?" He asks, taking the briefcase back.

"Not much sir. Just some takeout and some letter writing." I reply.

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