33. Diagon Alley

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Robert holds the door to the inn open for me, allowing me to enter the Leaky Cauldron before him. He places his arm around my waist as we walk to a wall near the back of the little pub.

He takes his wand out and taps one of the bricks, allowing us to enter Diagon Alley together. The alleyway is so colorful and busy, and I am immediately drawn to walk through the streets. I see that the windows are all full of colorful posters and products, and the witches and wizards all don colorful robes. Summer was just the best time of year for wizards.

I take Robert's hand in mine as I walk, and he allows me to lead him wherever I wish. "Look, Rob! That shop is new, it wasn't here the last time I came." I say, pointing to a small candy shop.

"Well go on, let's see if you like anything." He laughs, and we enter the shop together.

Only two steps in, I freeze. There's absolutely no way. I take a few steps forward as calmly as I can, not wanting Robert to think I'm mad.

"Merlin, this is largest chocolate frog I've ever seen!" I say excitedly, pressing my hands against the display case. The hunk of chocolate before me is nearly half as tall as I am and the same width wide.

"You like chocolate frogs?" Robert asks quietly from behind me. His hands land on the sides of my hips and I find I have to concentrate to take a deep breath.

"Oh, I love them! I hardly like other sweets, but I do love chocolate frogs." I say, turning back to face Robert. I feel a bit embarrassed; it was so childish to still like little sweets like that.

To my surprise, he only smiles at me. "I'll get it for you." He says, looking behind me.

He moves to pick one of the wrapped monstrosities up, but I place my hand on his bicep. I gasp a bit when I feel his thick muscles under my touch. "Oh no, it's much too large. I wouldn't even be able to carry this!" I say,

"So then get a few small ones, I can carry them for you." He says, and I can see he's trying to not smile.

I only pick one frog up, but Robert grabs two more and walks with me to the counter. I try to pay for them, but he refuses and kisses the side of my head.

Together we exit the shop, and Robert begins to pull me to the side. "Come with me. Every time I come to Diagon Alley, I have to get one of these." He tells me.

We walk up to a small ice cream shop, and Robert quickly moves inside. "I've never eaten here, what do you recommend?" I ask, crossing my arms in front of my chest. I had changed into a black ribbed tank top, and it was a bit cold in the shop. Robert wraps an arm around me, and the warmth of his body makes me blush.

"You've never been here? You're kidding me! Why don't you get us a table outside and I'll bring out something you'll like. You'll love, actually." He says, holding me lightly.

His face is so full of joy, I don't think I could have said no even if I wanted to. I walk outside, looking for an open table. The alleyway is so busy, but I eventually find a small table a few paces away from the shop.

I sit and mess with my top and try to smooth my hair as I wait for Robert to come back. Robert and I had arrived at the perfect time, as now the line behind him went outside the door. From the corner of my eye, I see a mess of long mousy hair waiting in line at the shop.

I've always thought that color was so pretty, it looks a lot like Julia's. I miss Julia; I'll have to write her back when I get home. I'll have to tell her that Robert is here with me, I know she'll die over that. Suddenly the girl I had been looking at turns around.

No, it can't be. Is that- "Julia?" I call out. The girls eyes widen, and then she bursts into a huge smile. She runs from her place in line; she reaches me just as I have stood from my table and slams her body into mine to hug me. "What are you doing here? I can't believe I've run into you!"

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now