34. Restraint*

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I can't stop thinking about seeing Adrian and Julia in Diagon Alley. Robert and I had spent the rest of the afternoon walking around and buying little trinkets, but the entire time my mind was elsewhere.

I hadn't really spoken to Adrian in a very long time. It was strange to see him, but even stranger how seeing him made me feel. I was a bit angry, but not as angry as I once thought I was. I had hated him before, but now there is a small part that feels quite bad for him. I reckon I had enough time to reflect on things.

His friends weren't good people, and they often led him to make mistakes. Even through his own mistakes, I think that deep down he might be a good person. He cares about his family, and he tried to care for me.

He had bad influences and bad circumstances in some times, like his friends pressuring him into saying things or encouraging him to... use unicorn dust. I know that a lot of his behavior was inexcusable. But part of it wasn't his fault, that I truly believe.

Adrian has things other people dream of. He has power and money and girls, but none of that means that everything was perfect. Adrian's family was far more well-to-do than mine, yet his relationship with his parents was quite horrible. His friends were all spoilt and vile, and they were all purely selfish.

"Mira, dear? Are you alright?" Robert asks me. I snap back to where we are; we sit on the train back towards my town.

"Yeah, sorry. I've just been a bit spacey today, I'm so sorry. I had a lovely time with you." I say, leaning my head onto his shoulder.

He rests his hand on my thigh, and I feel butterflies start to erupt in my belly. We stay sitting this way for a few minutes, until we finally reach our stop. I hold his hand as we walk, and he swings my arm lightly.

"You know, I had a lovely time with you as well. Just... I don't know. Spending time with you is always nice." He tells me. I look up at him, seeing that his cheeks are a bright pink.

I move over so I bump lightly into him. "Hey, are you... did you still want to spend the night at my place?" I ask shyly.

"If you'll have me. If you're sick of me, I can go back to the Ministry."

"Oh, no! Please, I'm looking forward to it." I say, looking away.

I had spent the night with Robert before, except I hadn't been sober enough to remember it. We hadn't done anything; he had respected me and had only held me through the night. Godric, he's perfect. I could think of several boys who would have used drunkenness for their advantage.

We reach my house in what feels like seconds, and we stand in front of the door for a minute. "Alright, how am I sneaking in? Making a run for it, walking in quietly..."

I giggle. "How about you apparate into my room? Give me a few minutes so I can say hello to them and everything. I'm going to pretend like I'm so sad you're leaving now, alright? Don't kiss me, if my parents are looking then they'll be annoyed."

He hugs me quickly, and then messes with my hair. "I'll see you soon. Tell your parents I say hello, and thank them again for me." He says, just a bit too loudly.

"I will. Thanks for such a lovely day." I say, waving goodbye.

As soon as I shut the door, my mother descends upon me. "Where did you two go?" She asks, her hands on her thin hips.

"Diagon Alley, we got ice cream and walked about. The weather was beautiful." I answer.

"He seems quite nice; he was so pleasant over lunch. How did you like your lunch, dear? Did it raise your spirits?" She says, tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now