26. Morning After

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I wake up with a pounding head. I groan, not opening my eyes. I turn to my side, trying to go back to sleep.

My abdomen feels warm; suddenly I realize my back does as well. Hmm, strange. My neck feels tickled, and I lean away from the feeling. Suddenly, I hear and feel a deep breath on my ear. Merlin, I'm in someone's bed.

I open my eyes quickly, but I can't turn back. The warmth I feel is a body; a body now pressed against my back and a hand thrown over my stomach. I quickly look down, thankful that I am clothed.

However, this isn't my clothes. I wear a large black t-shirt, and my legs feel bare. I panic a bit, but I realize that I'm in a pair of shorts. I slowly start to turn in the bed, finding I am face to face with Robert. Merlin, what happened last night?

I study his face as he sleeps. His eyelashes are so long; his jaw is so sharp. I notice he has one small freckle near the corner of his eye. I gently place a hand on his shoulder, lightly trying to wake him. He wakes easily, taking a deep breath before he opens my eyes. "Morning." He whispers, smiling a bit.

"Morning, Robert." I say meekly, noting that he hadn't moved his hands from around me. "Erm, why am I in your bed?" I whisper.

He chuckles. "You don't remember?" He says, suddenly moving his hands from around me. I don't know if it was to make himself or I more comfortable. "You were quite drunk."

"We didn't... I mean, did we... you know?" I ask, my heart racing in my chest.

"No no, of course not. You said you'd like to cuddle, so I could keep you safe." He says, reaching over to his bedside table to grab his glasses. His cheeks are a light pink when he turns back to me.

I can feel my own face burning. "The clothes?" I ask. He slowly lays back down and wraps his arms back around me, and I do not protest. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears.

"Well, I did have to change you into pajamas, you asked me to. I didn't look at you, though, I swear it." He says, pulling me closer.

Godric Gryffindor, I'm in Robert's bed. I sit up slowly, yawning and rubbing my aching head. "Thanks for making sure I was safe." I whisper, looking around the room.

I see Jacob lying in his own bed, Julia in his arms. Jacob's section of the room is messy; he has books and parchment strewn across his desk and a pile of clothing on his chair. In contrast, Robert's side of the room is extremely neat. He has small posters of plants and stars, with their scientific names labelled on. He has a single pile of books on his desk, and a small analog clock on top of them.

"I've got you this, it should help you feel better." Robert says, sitting up and opening his drawer to hand me a small vial. The contents are green, different to the usual blue cure I have had before.

"Thanks Robby." I say quietly, smiling as I take the vial from him.

I drink it quickly, and as soon as the liquid passes my lips, I feel cured. More than cured; I feel full of energy. Robert clears his throat, making me look back at him. "Mira, you said something last night." He whispers.

I grow a bit afraid of what he could be talking about. The last thing I remember was dancing with Robert and Cedric- Julia and Jacob had joined us and the rest was a blur.

"Did I embarrass myself?" I ask quietly, leaning back on my elbows.

"You told me that you and George broke up, and that he was... mean to you. You wouldn't say what it was. Earlier, you had said that you wanted to come sleep here, as friends. I don't know what I'm asking, I guess, just..." He trails off. "Is that all you think we could be? Only friends?" He asks quietly.

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