38. Outgoing Calls

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•Mira POV•

"I'll let you two talk." Fred says, standing awkwardly by my side. "I'll wake the others."

He runs up the stairs quickly, leaving George and I alone. I turn and start to walk to the kitchen, grabbing a glass from the cupboard and filling it with water from my wand. George doesn't say anything to me. He said that he wants to speak to me, why isn't he speaking?

I clear my throat and take a sip of my water. He clears his throat and shifts his weight on his heels. "Mira? I'm sorry. I'm an arse, I know that." He finally says.

"You've said that before." I mutter.

He doesn't respond right away. He nods, looking to his feet. "I... I spoke to Bill and Charlie. I asked them for advice, they're more suited than Fred, you know." He chuckles lightly at the end of his sentence.

"Yeah, Freddie's quite dense when it comes to love." I say, a bit more lighthearted. I realize my choice of words, and suddenly feel very, completely stupid.

I did love George. I do love him. I just don't love him the way I used to. I loved him the way I love Lee and Fred. I had loved him as more; I had forced myself to hold onto that love for longer than I should have. I don't know how I love him now. I can barely speak to him; he can barely speak to me. But his family is like my family: his siblings like mine, their love for me like mine for them.

There's an awkward silence. George looks to me and crosses his arms. "I'm not going to ask you to give me another chance. I don't deserve it." He whispers. "I want you to be happy. Even if it's not with me." He says through gritted teeth.

He doesn't mean it. His jaw is tight and his words seem to hurt as they leave his mouth. Each word fights escaping his lips. His brothers told him to tell me that, there's not way he really wants to say these words to me.

"So you don't care anymore?" I ask quietly.

"Well I care about you. I care a lot about you. I still want you to be my friend, you know. You're always welcome here, I like spending time with you." He tells me.

Now it is me who doesn't know what to say. "I... you've always been a good friend. I miss what we had before we... before anything..." I admit. I don't want to flat out say it; I trail off.

There's a few moments of silence; I drink from my glass so I don't have to say anything. "Are you with Robert?" George asks in a loud burst.

"You said you didn't care." I say slowly, not knowing how he would react to the fact that I've started dating someone else.

"Well, that's something a friend would know, right? Friends know who their friends are dating."

Before I can answer, there is a loud pop. The entire Burrow shakes; the china inside of the cabinets rattles. Fred appears at George's side, laughing. He wraps his arm around his brother's shoulders.

He looks to me mischievously, before whispering in George's ear. George's jaw drops, but he quickly recovers. "What did you tell him?" I ask, my voice full of conviction.

"Nothing." Fred smiles.

"Fred, what did you tell him?" I ask, my cheeks turning red.

"He only told me that Charlie's got a dragon egg in his room. He hasn't let anyone in there since the day he arrived." George answers.

"You weren't supposed to say anything! Charlie's going to kill me, he said I couldn't tell anyone." Fred complains. He hits George in the back of the head and laughs loudly.

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now