28. Mason Residence

262 18 40

The last two weeks have been a bore. My parents welcomed me home with gifts and hugs, but didn't have much to offer when it came to conversation. It's not like it was anything out of the ordinary, but I thought perhaps they'd want to talk about their travels. Guess not.

They'd only said they'd had great findings, giving me gifts from each place they had visited. They hardly asked me about school, only wondering when I would get my exam grades back.

I had been able to see a few of my friends from home; there was one girl my age who went to school at Beauxbaton, who lived only down the street. She had lived in France until a few years ago, too old to start school at Hogwarts. We had become friends when she first moved here, and only really spoke over the summer.

We had gone to get ice cream in Muggle shops and met a few Muggle girls to hang out with. We went shopping and watched movies; I think it was the closest thing to a group of girlfriends I've ever had.

We hung out nearly everyday; my parents required me home by sundown and would make sure it was only them I hung out with. "You don't need to be hanging out with any boys. You're going to be a woman, you need to show yourself the respect you deserve." My mother chided me when I had asked if I could visit Cedric.

He was the only friend from Hogwarts I could truly go visit. Julia was at Pucey Manor. Robert was busy with his internship. Fred, Ginny, and Ron lived with George. Lee was on his usual trip around the globe he takes every summer, so was Hermione. Harry... Harry doesn't take visitors, not where he lives.

I had written to them all only a few days after we got back home. I missed all of them terribly, even my friends whomst I didn't speak to often. Although I got to hang out with those girls, some part of being home felt lonely.

I've only received a few letters back; my owl took her time when it came to delivering messages. I lay in my bed now; it was just past eleven in the morning. I haven't been bothered to change out of my pajamas yet, I didn't have any plans today.

I lay and chip away at the polish on my fingernails. My parents are in my father's greenhouse around the back of the house, working with the samples they'd collected around the world.

The house isn't unbearably hot, but the summer always meant it was a bit warmer than I'd like. I sigh and roll over onto my stomach, completely bored.

There's a knock at the door, probably for my parents. They wouldn't hear it, not from their place in the backyard. The person knocks again. I sigh. I rise from my bed, going to tell them my parents were around the back.

I straighten my tank top and pull my shorts down a bit before I open the door. To my surprise, Robert Irfan stands before me, wearing a short sleeved navy blue button down and white shorts. He holds a beautiful bouquet of white flowers in his hands, just in front of his waist.

"Robert? What are you doing here?" I ask, shutting the door behind me.

"My internship is at the Ministry, in London. I didn't realize how close we were until I got your letter with your address. It's my day off, I figured seeing you was better than writing back. I should have said something, I'm sorry for just showing up." His cheeks burn pink, and he looks at me meekly.

"No, I'm glad you're here." I say, throwing my arms around his neck. He hugs me tightly, the plastic around the flowers crinkling loudly behind me. "Here, come inside, quickly." I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the house.

I pull him up the steps hurriedly, leading him down the hall and into my room. I close the door swiftly, trying to take a deep breath to try to stop the burning in my cheeks. I turn back to him, pressing my back against my door.

I'm suddenly uber aware of the state of my room. Posters and photos from my childhood line the walls; my stuffed animals sit on my bed. Robert stands a few feet to my left, looking at a photo on my wall.

"You were a cute kid." He says, smiling lightly.

My blush worsens, and I cross my arms in front of me. "What happened, huh?" I joke quietly. He looks at me and messes with my hair, and I lean into his touch. "I'm glad you're here. I was feeling quite lonely already." I whisper. "Tell me all about your apprenticeship, Robby."

I take the flowers from his hand, placing them on my dresser. I pull him to sit with me on the edge of my bed, our legs dangling off the sides. "The work at the ministry is tough. I'm still trying to figure everything out, but I suppose they expect me to just jump right into it."

I touch his hand, feeling horrible for him. "It'll be worth it. Jacob said it's the best program, I know you can do it."

He smiles to me, shifting to look at me. His hand finds its way to my face; he holds my chin up to look at me. "You're incredible." He whispers. "You always know just what to say to make me feel better."

He leans in, pressing his lips against mine. I lean into him, kissing him deeply. My stomach fills with butterflies; I can feel my heartbeat in my ears. He pushes me lightly by the waist, pushing my back onto my bed. His body hovers over me, and his kisses are full of passion.

I bring my hands to his back, pulling him closer to me. His hands begin to trace my body, stopping at my waist. My breath begins to catch in my throat, and I'm surprised by how badly I want him.

I pull my head back slightly, and he immediately notices. He pulls away, his body still over mine. "I'm sorry." I whisper, moving to sit up.

"No, I'm sorry. I... I'm just not sure if I..." I trail off. I hadn't really given much thought to Robert and I's situation. I thought I still had time, I thought that I would be able to think about things for a while longer.

He starts to move off, but I touch his arm gently. "Wait. We can... we can lay for a bit. Talk things out." I whisper, afraid he would say no.

He smiles, pushing his glasses up his nose. I crawl backwards to the end of my bed, reaching to throw my stuffed animals to the floor.

Robert laughs and helps, although he is gentle and places them on the ground carefully. He lays, and I lay with my head on his chest. He wraps and arm around me, and we are quiet for a moment.

"I really do care for you so much. I hope you know that." Robert says quietly.

"I know Robby, I... I think you're amazing. Have you given thought about what would happen if we... if I went back to Hogwarts and you had to move away to work or something? I mean, you're a full adult now, and I'm still... in school." I say, grateful that he doesn't have to see my expression.

Unexpectedly, an owl knocks against my window, turning my attention away from the moment. I stand quickly and untie the letter from the owls foot. I don't have a treat to give it, so it pecks at my hand. A small droplet of blood forms on my hand, but I wipe it away quickly.

"It's from Julia!" I announce, tearing the letter open.

"She still hasn't written me. Suppose she likes you better than she likes me." Robert laughs, motioning for me to come back and lay with him.

"Let's see what our dear Julia has to say." I giggle, laying my head back down on Robert's shoulder. I begin to read aloud.

Mira. It's so painfully boring here. I thought I'd at least have someone my age here (whomst I will not name) but I hardly get to see him. He's never here, and I have to watch Aly all by myself practically everyday. I know it might be a lot to ask, but please... come visit me? He's never here, I swear it. Aly keeps talking about you, she'd love to see you. If you can't, I completely understand. Just write back, so I have something to do. Xoxoxoxo, Julia

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora