53. Meet the Parents

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The last week has been full of stress. I had arrived home the next morning, after going to Julia's house to make sure she was okay. She wasn't very talkative; she had woken up enough to mutter that she was fine before she fell back asleep.

My mother had smiled and fiddled with my hair when I arrived home, but it didn't last longer than a few minutes; she had work to get to. I had spent the rest of the week stressing about the upcoming event of meeting Robert's mother and father. Robert hadn't been able to come to my house at all in the last week; he was too busy with his work.

We communicated mainly through letters, as most of my friends and I had as well. Cedric was my quickest pen pal, writing back only a day later. We had planned to hang out together sometime midweek, which I would have to lie to my parents about.

I glance at the clock. Ten o'clock. Robert was meant to come in a little less than half an hour, and I hadn't even figured out what I would wear. I'm meant to go to his parent's house, for brunch. Brunch. I don't think I've had a brunch before, I don't know what to expect.

I ruffle through my closet, growing more and more anxious. My eyes begin to feel warm. Godric, Mira. Don't cry, not now. I had already done most of my makeup; I couldn't afford to mess it up now. I sit on my bed and take a deep breath.

My hands shake slightly; I'm beyond extremely nervous. What if his parents didn't like me? What if they thought I wasn't good enough for their son, and they made Robert end things? No, they can't. They wouldn't.

I start to breathe a bit faster. They could. I begin to cry, wiping at my eyes quickly. I stand back up, feeling slightly nauseous. I take a deep breath to steady myself, and move back to my closet. Meeting Robert's parents was a big deal; I could actually... see things growing with Robert. This could be really real. I have to make a good impression.

There's a ring of the doorbell; you have to be kidding me. He couldn't be here already, I still had more time! I hear Robert speak to my mother; she croons and compliments him on his clothing.

I hear her tell him that I'm in my room, and my heart pounds even faster. There's footsteps leading to my door, which grow louder with each passing second. There's a light knock at my door. I call out for him to come in, and the door opens quickly.

Robert pushes inside, shutting the door behind him swiftly. He holds a beautiful bouquet of flowers and looks me up and down, smiling lightly. "Don't you look lovely? I'm afraid you can't wear this to meet my parents." He says, referencing my bra and underwear.

"That's the problem." I say, finding my voice is slightly thick. "I don't know what to wear at all. I'm hopeless." I complain.

I look to Robert's outfit- he looks so crisp and clean without even trying. He wears a white collared shirt, but the sleeves are rolled midway through his forearm. He wears dark blue shorts and tan shoes, looking put together and neat.

I watch as he sets the flowers down and takes a step closer to me. He tucks my hair behind my ear; I had only just finished making it straight less than ten minutes ago. "Don't be so worried. Anything you wear will suffice." He tells me comfortingly.

I shake my head and take a step away from him, turning back to my closet. I pluck another dress from the rack, but when I hold it against me and look in the mirror it looks all wrong. Nothing seems good enough.

Robert grabs a handful of fabric off the floor and hands it to me, telling me to try it on. I comply, finding it's a soft blue dress that lands just above the knee. My heart stops beating. The last time I had worn this dress was nearly a year ago, on my first date with George.

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