10. Switches

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I make my way down the steps, anxiety growing with each step. The corridors are warm; spring is definitely on the way.

I walk as quickly as I can without losing my balance, taking each step carefully. I need to make it to my destination quickly, before I change my mind. I practically run, making my way to the dungeons in only a matter of minutes.

I hope to find Julia first, otherwise this plan wouldn't work. I reach the door to the Slytherin dormitory and push the door open without hesitation. I take my hair out of the ponytail to try to hide my face a bit, I can't be recognized; not now, that would ruin everything.

I almost run into the girl's hall, stepping into the cold space. Merlin, why was the Slytherin dormitory always so cold? The Hufflepuff dorm was just down the hall, and it was quite comfortable.

I reach Julia's door and knock lightly, thrice. A few seconds pass, and then a voice rings out. "Who is it?" A high pitched voice calls out.

"It's me... Mira." I answer, resting my arm against the door.

There's some shuffling, and then the door opens. To my surprise, Julia opens the door with a face full of tears. A large bruise is evident on her chin, and her eyes are puffed up.

"Mira, what are you doing here? Are you okay?" She says quietly, falling into my arms.

"Julia! What's happened? Godric, are you alright?" I ask, holding her tightly.

She sobs lightly over my shoulder, and I walk lightly into her room with her. I pull her to sit on her bed, and she pulls away from the hug slowly. I hold her hand, not wanting to push her for answers.

After a moment of crying, she looks up and meets my gaze. "It was Marcus." She whispers.

I see red; all I feel is pure anger. "Marcus?" I shout, jumping up.

Julia grabs my hand and pulls me tightly, shushing me. "Oh, don't be so loud, please." She begs.

"What did he do to you? When? Why? Merlin, I'll kill him! I'll go kill him right now!" I say, tears welling in my eyes.

I knew Marcus was vile, but I didn't think he was capable of this. He had absolutely no place to hit her; they weren't even on speaking terms. She had finally cut him off, after she had begged him for so long to date her and he had never even paid her mind. Well, that's not true. He had slept with her a couple times, stringing her along.

"I had gone to talk to Terrence and Adrian; I was meant to be helping them with their Charms homework. I go every Friday. Marcus was in there, and I guess Victoria had just broken up with him. Now that... now that Adrian is single." She says.

"And he struck you?" I say, wiping at my cheeks.

"He was hitting Adrian, I meant to pull him away. It was stupid of me, I know. He didn't even apologize, he just left." She says, starting to cry again.

"When was this?" I ask, my heart pounding. I had just seen Adrian, how could this have happened? Had he been in a fight already?

"Just a few minutes ago. I had practically just shut my door when you knocked. Mira you can't tell Jacob. He'll try to go after Marcus, and he doesn't know how to fight. He doesn't even know how to duel, he's never had to." She says solemnly.

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now