42. Weasley Clash

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Mr. Weasley brought a guest? I turn, along with the rest of the room. Robert stands at his side, smiling a small smile. He's dressed in a full suit, minus the coat. I can't help but notice how handsome he looks in his button down shirt and tie; he looks like a real adult.

"Robby?" I ask, jumping from the couch. I run over to him, hugging him tightly. I didn't realize how much I missed him until now.

"Mr. Weasley insisted I come, he told me you were here." Robert blushes.

"How's a man supposed to let another man not see his lady?" Mr. Weasley smiles. He wraps an arm around Mrs. Weasley and kisses her cheek. "I invited him for dinner! He's been living off of takeout."

Mrs. Weasley nearly bursts. "Oh, no! You can bet you'll have a nice meal every night, sweetheart. I can't let you go unfed, not when you're a friend of our boys!" Mrs. Weasley says. She shakes her head, muttering grievances about takeaway dinners.

I pull Robert to the couch, quickly making him sit. I sit next to him, leaning my head against his shoulder. His hands snake in front of me, and he holds my hand in his lap.

I don't know why I feel this way; I just want to be as close as possible as I can to him. I hated spending the entire day away from him. It hits me: he's my boyfriend, he really is. Even when I was crude and hung up over... George, he was there and willing to be a shoulder for me to lean on. He was protective of me and never expected anything from our friendship; he respects me and teaches me about things without speaking down to me.

"Hello, everyone. Sorry for the intrusion, your dad was quite adamant I had a real meal." He says with pink cheeks.

"Well hello boyfriend." Charlie says. I roll my eyes. Is this really how he plans on greeting all of Ginny's partners too?

The room is somewhat dark, but I can still see everyone's face in the dim light. "Charlie, right? And Bill?" Robert says, letting go of my hand to shake theirs. "Always nice to see everyone. Nice haircut, George."

"Thanks, Mira did it." George replies quickly.

"I only helped with the back." I answer. There's a small silence in the room.

"You'll have to help me, love. I haven't got a clue how to cut my own hair." Robert smiles, nudging my cheek with his hand.

"I quite like George'a haircut. It makes it easier to tell us apart." Fred announces.

"Yeah, now we have an idiot with short hair and an idiot with long hair." Bill says, already chuckling at his own comment. Bill never really joked around; he thought being older meant he was above the little jokes we all liked to pull. Because of this, it was at least ten times funnier.

The conversation dies down and I cuddle up to Robert as we watch the screen. He leans down and starts to whisper to me. "Did you know these are called televisions? Like how the thing you call me with is a telephone." He says.

"You're brilliant. You know everything." I whisper back.

"Can you guys shut up? I can't hear the screen." George snaps.

"Stop being rude." Ginny snaps back. The room goes quiet once more.

"It's my house." George grumbles under his breath. Fred slaps the back of George's neck, and Bill kicks George's leg softly.

"Let mum hear you say that. They're guests, you arse." Charlie says, trying to be quiet. I think he doesn't want Robert and I to hear, but Robert still shifts uncomfortably next to me.

"Dinner!" Mrs. Weasley calls. Thank Merlin. Knowing George, he wouldn't back down, especially since this argument involved his brothers on my new boyfriend's side.

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