31. Reflection

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Adrian POV •

"This is the third time we've played wizard chess this morning. Please, Julia, find something different." I beg.

"Well this is your fault! You have this large house and all these things but you have no games." Julia says, rolling her eyes. "Let's go into town, please. You're hardly ever here, and I don't feel comfortable going to town with Alexandra by myself."

I weigh out her words. I feel a bit guilty; she's completely right. "Sorry, Jules. Sure, let's go into town today. I'll buy you some games to play." I say with a smile.

Her face lights up, and she stands up quickly. "It's only noon, we'll have the whole afternoon! I'll tell Aly to get dressed." She practically runs up the steps to find my sister.

Julia had come three days after summer had started; she dragged along a large suitcase and her boyfriend. He had come only to help her bring her things- he was off to study in Norway for a month that same afternoon. It's been just about two weeks since she's arrived, and I was never here to see her.

I was busy. Most busy going to lunch meetings with very important men, all of which was set up by my father. He wanted me to grow my network; I was graduating next year after all. The other twenty percent of my time was spent picking up Muggle girls. It was too easy, almost criminal. Turn a pen into a flower or a napkin into a paper crane and they think "Wow, that's almost like real magic!"

I never saw the same girl twice, it did no good for either of us. Today was my first full day home in a while; Julia had cried the entire morning about her feeling lonely. I cancelled a lunch appointment and promised her I'd spend the day with her. I figure it did seem lonely, being in this giant house with only a ten year old to keep you company.

Julia is kind. Sensitive, sure, but I've become accustomed to it I suppose. I've known her since our second year; we had only become close during our fourth year. She's proven to be a good friend. She's loyal, and honest. Although sometimes she can be a bit too honest.

Julia only had one fault: she was hardly ever able to stand up for herself. Marcus was an arse to her and she never said anything. Victoria was worse- although it wasn't clear to the normal eye. Victoria was evil to Julia in the way that only girls can be. It's probably why my father recruited her to... whatever. Doesn't matter.

My father was the one to ask Julia to stay here; I suppose he thinks us spending all this time together with Alexandra is going to make us fall in love or something. Julia's family is part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, which meant a lot to my father.

It wasn't fair of her to be here and for me to leave everyday. I make a mental note to try to spend more time with her. I can't help but think that the summer is all the time we'll spend together. Julia had become such good friends with Mira, she never really made an effort to talk to me in school. That, plus she had a boyfriend now.

I've heard he treats her well. He better, or I'll kill him. Julia spent time with me when I really begged her to- like when I need her as my tutor. She feels bad, I think, and doesn't believe she could be my friend and Mira's at the same time.

Oh, Mira. I haven't spoken to her in what seems like forever. I miss her quite a lot if I'm honest. I think of her at the most random times, wishing she was by my side.

I had made mistakes; these of which I still regret deeply. I pushed her away. I was cruel, I wasn't treating her right. She had stayed by my side through every single bad thing that happened to me, and I had pushed her away.

But I can get her back. I know her and George broke up; Julia had accidentally let that one loose. She refuses to say anything else, only warning me to not go after her. "Adrian, just let her live. Let her have her summer, she doesn't want to be smothered." She told me.

Amortentia- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love Triangleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें