Intro / Warning / Cast

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Hello everyone thank you for clicking on my book! This is my first work (I've written before just haven't posted), I will say if there is something you do not like just click off the book there is no need to comment hate when you can just leave. There may be some grammatical errors and such so I ask you to kindly look over them or tell me and I will fix them. 

Side note this book is purely fiction, this is just based off my imagination. I have not met anyone the characters portray and I do not claim they act this I said fiction, they are just there for your enjoyment and for you to be able to picture someone, but of course if you want to picture someone else by all means do so.

Also most chapters will include a song at the beginning that I feel fits the chapter/book in general, I do not own any of the songs that are used they belong to the rightful owners. They are there for your entertainment and as well as the main character has a deep connection with music.










Harry Edward Styles as Harry styles

-Kat McNamara as Julianna(Jules) Hart

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-Kat McNamara as Julianna(Jules) Hart...(blonde)

-Taylor Lautner as Jake Griffen

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-Taylor Lautner as Jake Griffen

-Taylor Lautner as Jake Griffen

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