Chapter 3

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how can you miss someone you've never met

cause I need you now but I don't know you yet

but can you find me soon because I'm in my head

yeah I need you now but I don't know you yet

IDK You Yet - Alexander 23

Harry POV

Daniel : come on bro it's just one night I think you'll live, she might even sleep with you.

Harry : first I'm not your bro I'm your boss, I don't care about meeting no friend of you fuck buddy and if wanted to sleep with someone I could do it without the help of you. ...... I reply harshly into the phone already pissed at him and it's not even noon.

Daniel : look I really like Scarlett okay. She said she's bringing a friend that really needs to let loose and have fun. They're going to be there around 8:45-9:00 see you there.

Harry : I didn't even agree— ...... I stop talking realizing the line had died and that little piece of shit hung up on me.

I don't care to go to that club tonight and I most definitely don't want to meet a girl. I don't date,I don't fall in love, I swore I would never care for someone for them to just walk in my life and leave without any notice. I've had that happen to me more times then I care to admit. First my mom leaves me after I turned 10 because she couldn't handle my father anymore. She always told me that she loved and cared for me and would never leave me but guess she didn't care enough. Then the irony of the situation she said that she wasn't leaving me she was leaving my father but, did she offer to take me with her? No.Has she tried to keep in contact with me? No.She didn't and hasn't now I'm 26 and she still doesn't give a crap about me.

My father and I is a whole other story.Yes he did care somewhat, he made sure I had a roof over my head and had food on the table. Once I turned 18 I had to make a choice which was work for him in the family business or leave and don't ever come back. I almost left... I was this close to it but I couldn't because, well there was Claire and I couldn't leave her no matter how much I wanted to leave this place. Clair was one of a kind she was my whole world I loved her more than I loved myself and she felt the same. Everyone thought we were just stupid high school sweethearts that wouldn't last but we did... until she left unexpectedly 5 years ago. She didn't leave on purpose she wouldn't do that, the universes took her from me and since that day I haven't ever stayed with someone long enough to care I promised my self I wouldn't do that.

So ever since then I've been stuck in this family business, family business meaning drug dealing and being feared by every gang here in Flordia. Do I like this job? I wouldn't say I enjoy it...well maybe a little, it works though no one cares about me and I don't care about anyone so if a deal was to go wrong no one would really care. That's why I basically lead our gang under my dad I will do the scariest and most dangerous shit without caring about the outcome. Everyone here fears me because they know I don't do feelings if you piss me off you better pray that I'm having a nice day cause if not... well I'm sure you get it, you wouldn't want to get on my bad side.


So tell me why it's already 9:30 and i'm in this club waiting to a girl I know nothing about. If you asked me I couldn't give you an answer all I know is between this morning and the gym I end up here.

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