Chapter 19

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I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me

This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy

I need somebody to heal

Somebody to know; Somebody to have; Somebody to hold

It's easy to say

But it's never the same

I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain

Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi 

 Julianna's POV 

"Ow" I whisper half asleep turning over cuddling on my side becoming warmer by the second. 

I nuzzle my head in the pillows that are harder than normal trying to get comfortable again. Finally becoming comfortable I feel myself beginning to drift off into a deep sleep that is until the pillows move and I come back into my consciousness realizing what I'm laying on. 

More like who.

"Morning" He rasps out smugly not even giving me time to move off of him. I can't help but become tooken back from his voice.

It was already so deep to begin with, how is it even possible to get any deeper? 

Especially this deep.

"Uh I'm sorry I didn't realize I was laying on you" I squeak coming out of the trance as well as beginning to turn back around, unwrapping my leg that had found its way around him as well as my arms. 

"Relax Jules you act like you committed a deadly crime, I'm just happy you slept good" He speaks out his voice just as deep. 

Looking up at him I can barely see the glaze that has formed over his eyes as he looks as if he has barely slept. I also notice that his long hair is up onto the top of his head, I wonder if he does that every night. 

If so is there a reason?

"Oh well I just didn't meant to overstep, I'm sorry" I speak again not wanting to upset him. That was his personal space and I just completely transgressed it.

As I speak the words he sits up in the bed grabbing his forehead rubbing his index and thumb back and forth in thought. He then begins to shake his head ever so slightly and close his eyes. 

Confused on the matter and thinking I must've really made his mad or troubled him I sit up crossing my legs and begin to speak again only tp be silenced by his voice. 

"Julianna why are you apologizing?" He asked meeting my eyes in his own.

"I well just overstepped and I didn't want to upset you or make you mad, I'm sorry I shouldn-"

"See there you go again" He interrupts loudly dropping his hand quickly from his head causing me to wince and jump. 

"My bad I forgot, I didn't mean to scare you" He speaks sincerely just as he saw my reaction. 

Just nodding not wanting to speak already kicking myself internally for reacting that way to him. He didn't deserve that, especially after everything he's done for me. I look down at my lap beginning to fidget with my rings to scared that if my mind isn't focused on something that I will begin to cry. 

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