Chapter 14

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A/N - I don't have a song for this chapter. I'm sorry, but I just couldn't find one. 


Julianna's POV

Waking up disoriented and alone in the bed my heart begins to race until I realize where I am. 

Truth be told I was so distressed and heartbroken the whole night is a complete blur after the cemetery. 

I remember everything, but it is just all hazy and very vague. Did I tell Harry what happened is the only thing I can't quite remember. I know I told him Jake hurt me, but did I tell him the whole truth. 

Getting out of the bed slowly hearing the creak of the bed frame making me wince at it's high pitched noise.

"Harry...Harry" I hear my voice carry throughout the entire house. My feet carry their way down the hallway until I'm standing in an empty kitchen. 

Where is he 

Looking at the kitchen trying to find something to eat I find a note on the counter, assuming it's left for me I pick it up and read it quickly.


Julianna - I'll be back around three, I expect you to be there when I return. I had work this morning and didn't want to wake you. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. - H


Turning around quickly my eye's find the microwave scanning the clock that reads 3:38 p.m. Utterly shocked I slept as long as I did I find my way to the fridge noticing how hungry I actually was. Scanning the bare shelves my eyes land on an apple. Suffice with my choice I head over to his pantry grabbing a plate and the peanut butter. 

After my apple is sliced and with some scooped peanut butter on the plate I begin eating hearing the satisfying crunch of the apple before even taking a seat at the bar.

Grabbing the note and re-reading making sure I didn't mistake the time I notice a sentence that I looked over the first time, 'I expect you to be there when I return'.

My brain automatically flicks to the worst as to why I have to be here. Why does he want me to stay? What did I do to make him want me to stay?  What did I say exactly? Where is he? Is he really at work? 

Jumping up from my seat leaving my half eaten apple at the bar I rush to the bedroom to collect my stuff. 

Grabbing my phone and my still wet clothes from the night before in my arms. Searching for my keys all throughout the room realizing that they aren't in here I make my way back to the living room-kitchen area.

Scanning over the kitchen bar as well as all the table my eyes just can't seen to find them.

"Shit where are they", I huff under my breath. 

"Looking for these" A voice speaks from behind me causing me to jump back bringing my hand to my heart. As I try to catch my breath his green eyes connect with my own glued to mine the entire time as he walks further into the room.

"You know you need to pay more attention, you didn't even realize I came in" He points to me while speaking sternly. he didn't exactly seem mad, more so strict trying to prove his point. 

"Give me my keys please" I speak ignoring his comment completely knowing it's true, but it's just another thing that I screw up. Nothing new.

"No, now are you okay?" his hissed quickly his voice is rugged and sharp as if it's not up for debate then changing to soft in a matter of seconds. In that moment I knew I told him what happened, that I told him the entire truth.

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