Chapter 12

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I'm sorry if I say, "I need you"

But I don't care, I'm not scared of love

'Cause when I'm not with you, I'm weaker

Is that so wrong? Is it so wrong?

Strong - One Direction 

Julianna's POV

Coldness of the tiles that I'm sitting on in the bathroom send shivers down my spine. 

I woke up not long ago feeling as if I was going to be sick. Running to downstairs bathroom being extra carful to not wake Jake, I find myself sitting beside the toilet with my head rested in my sweaty palms. 

I hadn't even realized I still had no clothe so I hastily sprinted to the laundry room and grabbed a oversized shirt threw it over my head in a hurry not wanting my eyesight to be gone for even a second. I then quickly grabbed a pair of my sweats and step in to them in a hurry. Next I slide on my sneakers by the garage door, grab my keys and walk out to my car.

As I drive on the road I notice there is not many cars around here, there never is though where I'm going so it's not a surprise. 

Pulling in a parking place, I see only one car off in the distance a black one by the looks of it, but I see no one around so I don't think much of it. 

Getting out of my jeep I make my way over through the darkness which is lit by street lights enough where you can see where you're going so it's not complete darkness. I sit on the chilled grass that has dew on it from the rain that still hasn't stopped.

Everything that happened keeps playing over and over in my head like a broken record.

"Took you long enough"

"No I was waiting on you"

"What the hell Jules what do you mean no?" 

"Oh no? You want to say no? Well you know what I'm saying no, you are going to sit here and let me fuck you like you're suppose to"

"You stop, stop being a bitch and shut the fuck up" 


"Good girl" 

Each sentence repeats itself like a pattern, with each sentence comes the actions that followed. When he gripped my sides in multiply places leaving bruises as well as cuts from his finger nails, when his palm striked my face not once but twice, when he...

When he...

My mind stops completely freezing, making me me realize what had happened, what he did. 

My breath becomes more ragged and shaky than it already is, my hands start to shake, my heart starts beating so fast I feel it could beat of of my chest. Bringing my palm up to my mouth to cry into it knowing whats happing, but not knowing how to fix it.

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