Chapter 13

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If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain

I wish you woulda told me

If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change

I wish somebody woulda told me

If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away

You gon' have to give

If you want love, if you want love

If You Want Love - NF 

Harry's POV

16 hours earlier - January 5, 2018 

I hate today, I hate everything about it.

And on top of that its been almost four days and I haven't heard a word from Julianna or seen her at Obsidian. They last time we even talked was when she mistakenly called me drunk the other day and hung up because Jake got home. 

I knew Jake didn't get home as soon as the words left her mouth. She was lying through her teeth because she just didn't want to talk to me. I tried to not let it bother me and just ignore it like I always do, but it's really irritating because I was so kind to her and now she won't even talk to me. 

What did I do? 

I have tried just to forget about her entirely, but for some reason those blue eyes won't leave my mind. 

They reminded me of the ocean, the feeling when when you can just stare into distance and get lost in the waves. Her eyes were the same I could just sit and stare into them and it would never get tiring. 

There was also her pink lips. They were full and almost heart shaped. I found myself staring at her lips almost as much of her eyes, imaging hers on mine. I know she has a boyfriend and to be honest that doesn't really bother me. I would kiss her without a second thought about hurting Jake hell I would do it just to hurt Jake.

I couldn't do that to her her though. In the short amount of time I have known her I know for a fact that she would never do that to anyone, even to a dick like Jake. I don't think I've hated someone as much as I hate him in such a short amount of time.

She doesn't even know how much of a dick he really is. Who he really is. I knew the moment I saw him that something wasn't right with him. I know he's hiding stuff from her I just haven't figured out exactly what yet. I have figured out some knowledge about him though.

All I've figured out so far is his name Jake Robert Griffen and he works at his dads law firm. He is the oldest child, his step bother being a year younger than him. The weird part is I can't find anything about him from below the age of nineteen, it's like he didn't even exist. 

Also I've noticed the way he treats Julianna, it's sick really. He treats her like she can't make any of her own decisions, he acts like she's a bother to him, he just doesn't act like he truly cares about her. He treats her like an object not a human being.

What I can't figure out is why she stays with him. 

Why can't she notice it.

"Harry" the voice yells from my left pulling me out of my thoughts making me meet eyes with a very annoyed Ian and Daniel staring back at me.

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