Chapter 20

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I set fire to the rain

Watched it pour as I touched your face

Well, it burned while I cried

'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name


Oh, no

Let it burn, oh

Let it burn: Let it burn

Set Fire To The Rain - Adele 

Julianna's POV 

Opening the door, I expected to feel out of place, to feel lost without the person I've lived my whole life with here. It was different that was for sure, but it was a good kind of different. I felt almost at peace. He was finally gone, and I was happy, truly happy.

The only downfall is that few seconds of the joyful feeling that ran all throughout my bone left within the moment I stepped in what use to be our bedroom. 

What shocked me the most was what I did next. I didn't drop to my knees and cry. I instead screamed out as I tore the entire room apart. 

The picture frames that he was in were scattered all across the room, shreds of glass crashed on the hardwood making loud clashes. Then I pull the sheets off the bed ripping the material in the process, but it doesn't even stop me. No, I don't stop until every little thing that makes me think of him in just the slightest is torn apart and thrown on the ground.

Once I'm done that when I collapse on the floor tears filling my eyes as I just sit there just as one of the items as I'm just like them...  

completely destroyed

My emotions are all over the place, and I can't help it one bit. One minute I'm crying my eyes out blaming myself for everything then the other I'm angry not at myself, but at him for all the pain he has caused me. 

He has caused me. 

It is his fault, not mine. 

I repeat in my head over and over until I'm standing up grabbing a trash bag and throwing everything in it. When I hear shuffling towards the door, I jerk my head up seeing Luca there with a broom and dustpan in hand. 

"Figured I'd let you do your thing, but I want to help with the trash. Although kinda wish the actual piece of trash was here so I could've done what you just did to him," He laughs before sweeping all the glass up without another word or glance. 


"Okay I think that's everything that has to do with him" Luca speaks holding up the two trash bags that we have filled to the brim with everything that remotely makes me think of him. 

"Yeah that's it" I speak while looking down at the ring that still rest on my ring finger. 

"I'll take it to the dump tomorrow morning, come on lets eat" He speaks laying the two bags by the front door. 

As he speaks the words, my head is already shaking side to side as I walk into the kitchen pulling the drawer open all the way until I hear the satisfying click. Grabbing the small box I had wanted. I then make my way to the garage grabbing the small red can before I make my way to the back door. 

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