Chapter 24

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I'm the ghost of a girl;  That I want to be most

I'm the shell of a girl;  That I used to know well


Broken pieces of;  A barely breathing story

Where there once was love;  Now there's only me

And the lonely

Christina Perri - The Lonely

Julianna's POV

It has been three weeks since Harry confided in me and told me a small, yet big slither of his past. It has been a week since Lucas had moved back into his house leaving me all alone in a home that doesn't bring any comfort like a home should. Like my childhood home did everyday I got home after school after not wanting to be there. It use to bring that sense of tranquility, but now all each and every corner brings back memories I want gone.

Luca did go on and on about how he didn't mind staying with me longer, but I knew he was lying. He wanted to be back at his own house, he just wouldn't ever admit it. I also knew he needed to be in his own home, especially when he has his 'date nights' with Louis. 

Lets just say, I won't be able to step in that bedroom or bathroom for that matter for a very very long time or even ever... 

At least those two places have a different reason why they haunt me.

It has been good though, as good as it could be going. Scarlet came over a few times which was exhausting to say the least, that included laughing until you can't breath, lots of wine, and falling asleep to legally blonde playing on the t.v. 

It was fun, it was like it use to be before Jake.

She even told me how her and Daniel are now exclusively dating and I couldn't be more happy for her. He seems to treat her right which is all I could ask for. It's also been a really long time since she's actually been in a relationship, so I know she must really like him. 

I did get screamed at for not telling her about Harry and I, but there was really nothing to tell. 

Lucas evidently told her how he walked in on us almost kissing, so that means we are a thing now. I quickly turned that idea down speaking the truth, which it that we're just friends and that's all we'll ever be.

She didn't ask much about Jake, but I knew she wouldn't after I had asked Lucas to tell her what happened. He didn't want to kept saying I should, but I just couldn't.

I just couldn't bring myself to tell her though. She had always been the one that hated Jakes guts, so I guess it would be like an I told you so situation. Not literally though I know she would never say those words to me on the matter, but I also figured she was thinking them deep down. I mean it feels like everyone knew it would happen sooner or later except me. 

How could I of been so so dumb?

I gave him everything, and in doing that I lost myself completely. I noticed it the other day for instance when I went grocery shopping and was hungry for cupcakes. So I decided to buy some, but I almost didn't get them because he always told me they make me to big. 

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