Chapter 9

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Thank you all so much for all the love on my book, no read goes unnoticed. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Love, Tay <3

I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink, 

But now I'm insecure and I care what people think. 

My name's 'Blurryface' and I care what you think

Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days,

 When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out.

Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots

Julianna's POV

"Well I planned that right on time now didn't I?" the blonde speaks enthusiastically as I hear him slam the door to his red car.

"You were supposed to wait till I texted you dimwit, what if I wasn't here?" I chuckle gleefully my keys dangling in my hand as I unlock the garage door.

I nod my head at the wine I left on top of the fridge for Luca and I, hoping he'd understand I was asking him to grab it.

"Well then I would've gotten to beat the shit out of that bitch for hurting you," he scoffs grabbing the wine like I intended for him to do understanding me.

"Harry beat you to it," I whisper under my breath, so he wouldn't hear. Not wanting him to ask any questions that may lead to him finding out about the gun. 

I know it's not illegal to own one. I mean shit Jake probably has one of his own somewhere. It's just the fact that he pulled it out without even thinking. Like he was perfectly fine ending a human life with only one swift motion of the index finger. That being one of the reasons I should never see him agin.

"You okay there? you blanked out on me babe" his delicate voice breaks me out of the nauseating thoughts.

"oh yeah just thinking about something is all, don't worry" I speak softly my hand finding the silver nob of the white cabinets grasping two wine glasses.

"I'll always worry about how was everything, your ride and Jake?"he questions sipping the freshly poured wine I sat in front of him.

"Oh Harry brought me home the day after and um Jake and I are fine" I shuffle out. Turning to the side not facing him as I feel the liquid glide down my throat.

"Huh you stayed at Harry's. Isn't he the one that was asking you about your name, you didn't even know him why'd you stay with him?" he wrinkles his brows in confusion not knowing that I had previously met him. Why would he Harry acted as if we were strangers. Well, I mean he was trying to help, but still how am I suppose to explain it. 

"Oh well um it's kinda a long story, but we had already met he was just messing around," I come up with on the spot laughing trying to get him to believe that it was a joking matter.

I'm getting really good at lying here lately and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

I want to tell him everything. I want to tell him that I'm lost, that I don't know what to do anymore. I want to tell him about the gun, about Harry not hesitating to kill Jake. I want to tell him how it felt to see the same eyes that I love stare me in the face as the his hands rip into my sides. I want to tell him how it felt when Jakes hand slapped me across the face. I want to tell him how screwed up I am and how much Jake hates me for it.

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