Chapter 16

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A/N - sorry no song for chapter. 


Harry's POV

"You know you need to pay more attention, you didn't even realize I came in" I point out my voice coming out tougher than intended. It's not like I was trying to be harsh or mean, it's just how I am. Sometimes I don't know how to be soft.

Sometimes I forget how to be caring and that scares me when it comes to Julianna.

She deserves someone as soft and caring as herself. 

Not someone like Jake and definitely not someone as fucked up as myself.

"Give me my keys please" he frail voice speaks softly totally ignoring my statement. She looks so sad, she looks completely drained and I hate it. 

"No, now are you okay?" My voice comes loud and deep when answering her question, she can't go back to her house with Jake...I won't let her.

Taking control of my actions I speak as softly as I can next just wanting an honest answer from her.

"Yes I'm fine, but Harry I need to go home I can't just st-

"You know what whatever here." I spit furiously cutting her off throwing the keys her direction to the side knowing they wouldn't hit her, but not knowing where they would land.

Storming down the hall slamming my bedroom door behind me I collapse on my bed with my hair in my hands.

It's been to long since I've thought about someone else I don't know what to do. It drives me crazy, she drives me crazy. It's worse because I don't know how to help she keeps going back to the source of all her pain. How can I make her see it?

How? The question spins in my head repeatedly until I find my self jumping off the bed sprinting out of my room to find her almost walking out the door.

"Are you happy?" My voice is corse and rough, but that's not how I feel speaking it. I feel almost defeated asking this question knowing she will just lie. My eyes meet hers before she speaks.

"Of course I'm happy I have everything I wanted in life" She retorts quickly rolling her eyes breaking contact with mine almost causing me to give up.

She's not happy.

"Really? You're happy? What do you do that makes you happy?, do you do the job you always wanted?, do you make your own choices or do you let someone else make them for you?, do you not speak how you feel because you're worried how people will react? Well I want you to tell me honestly what you feel right now its just you and I, so I ask you again are you truly happy Julianna?

I spit trying to speak all that I can to get herself to speak the truth, to get her to realize how far she has fallen into Jakes trap. All he has done to her is feed her lies.

But so have you.

"I-I um I don't kn-know." She admits barely above a whisper looking me back in the eyes almost as if she is asking for help.

"Then why are you going back to the source of all the things I just spoke to you...why?" I ask trying my best to keep my voice soft, but it being really hard when Jake enters my head again.

My mouth is left dry not ready to speak if she says she still loves him after what he did.

As soon as the words leave my mouth though it's like her whole body becomes drained of color and energy. She quickly sits on the floor and brings her knees up to her chest burying her face between them.

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