Chapter 6

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*song is in Julianna's POV about Jake so change (she) to (he) for a better idea*

Oooh, I fall apart 

Oooh, yeah, mmhmm 

 She told me that I'm not enough, yeah

 And she left me with a broken heart, yeah 

She fooled me twice and it's all my fault, yeah

 She cut too deep, now she left me scarred, yeah 

Now there's too many thoughts goin' through my brain, yeah

I Fall Apart - Post Malone

TW - Panic Attack/Mental Health... if you need to skip I put a warning when it starts and ends. Much love, Tay <3

Julianna's POV

Men's cologne feels my nose as I turn over in the bed. I've always disliked Jake's cologne so he must have gotten a new one because I like this one a lot I think to myself humming as I take another whiff of the tobacco-vanilla scent.

Slowly leaning up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes from the previous night...wait the previous night Jake and I got in a fight so how did I end up in bed I wonder to myself as I peel my eyes open to see if he's still in bed or got up.

Black, black is what fills my eyes looking at the comforter. The thought of Jake and I's white comforter enters my mind as I practically leap out of the bed falling on the ground with a thud.

What in the world where the hell am I?

I rack my brain looking around the room and not recognizing anything. Well, I'm definitely not at Scarlett's nor Lucas so where am I.

Don't panic, Don't panic, your fine I speak lowly to myself looking around the room trying to figure out where I am putting my tangled mess of hair behind my ears.  


For your hangover... ps I put some clothes and a towel in the bathroom if you'd like to change or shower when you wake up...all the love - H.

also your purse and phone are in the chair in the corner of room.


H, who's H?

Harry - Harry freaking Styles is H.

Then it hits me all at once, like that first vodka shot of the night burning your throat, like waking up from a deep sleep after feeling like you were falling, like finding something out that you've waited you whole life for but it only kicking in later all at once.

He had offered to take me home last night well more like demanded me to let him. Why am I here though why didn't he just take me home I rack my brain but not coming up with any reasonable explanation. Also where is he?

I don't take the medicine even though he's right I'm definitely hungover with a killer headache, but I still don't trust him.

Did he sleep in this bed with me the question invades my brain causing me to look at the bed, but feel at ease when it looks as if only one person had slept here?

Getting up off the ground I walk over and sit on the chair grabbing my phone to see if I have any messages from Jake he's probably worried sick wondering where I am.

3 missed calls

9 new messages

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