Chapter 18

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It's a longer one again my lovelies ;)

All I did was try my best

This the kind of thanks I get?

Unrelentlessly upset (ah, ah, ah)


Got a broken ego, broken heart

(It's brutal out here, it's brutal out here)

And God, I don't even know where to start

Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo 

Julianna's POV

Staring up my eyes meet Andre's mouth as he speaks the word that could ruin my life. When the single word left his mouth it was like everything came crashing down.  

I couldn't speak

I couldn't hear anything after the word left his lips... All I could do was stare in shock. 

I couldn't even move it was like my whole body had completely frozen. Like when you know you're are about to fall yet no body parts move to help you, you're just stuck.

Then it happened all of a sudden, my entire body just broke down into a fit of cries. I couldn't even control it. My head found itself laying in my hands as tears stream down my body all the way to the ground making little droplets on the cream colored floor. It was when I finally heard the urgency in Harry's voice that I looked up to meet his captivating eyes. 

"Julianna love stop crying it's okay" Harry spoke his eyes swiping back and fourth between my bloodshot ones. I tried to stop as he asked, but I couldn't. The hot tears continued to stream down my face even when he brought his thumb up to wipe them off.

"Baby please stop, this is what you wanted right? Why are you crying?" He speaks full of concern not understanding my actions. 

With so much concern in his voice and it also showing all through out his face I finally speak up trying my best to explain myself. 

"It is Harry really. I-I'm just happy I was so scared I was going to be pregnant. I didn't mean to cry, I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm just so relieved I-I couldn't of handled being pregnant" I speak honestly my voice cracking after each sentence.

When the words left the Andres mouth it was like my entire body completely shut down do to relief. I had already came to the conclusion that I was going pregnant just because of the thought that life couldn't get worse and with my past luck nothing good ever happens. 

So when the words negative left his lips my body completely filled with relief. Causing me to not even be able to speak I was so shocked and happy to not be pregnant. 

"Oh well okay then I thought I just gave you the worse news" Andre laughs lowly before speaking again. "If you're ready now though we can get you that x-ray and get you both out of here"

"Um yeah that sounds good" I speak softly sniffling and trying to stop the tears. 

Once I finally stop crying Harry helps me into the wheelchair and Andre wheels me off for the x-ray leaving Harry in the room.

I secretly wanted him to come with me, but then brushed it off not really wanting to bother him anymore. If I bug him to much he will just leave all together, and I find myself not wanting him to leave at all. 

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