Chapter 1

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Oh, save me (Save me), can't take it (Take it)

I don't belong in this club

One dance (One dance), no chance (No chance)

'Cause I'm feeling awkward as (Oh)

I Don't Belong in This Club - Macklemore and Why Don't We

Julianna POV

Are you happy? The voice says to me as if they had all the answers.

Of course I'm happy I have everything I wanted in life. I say to him with no hesitation in my voice.

Really? Your happy? What do you do that makes you happy, do you do the job you always wanted, do you make your own choices or do you let someone else make them for you, do you not speak how you feel because your worried how people will react?Well I want you to tell me honestly what you feel right now, so I ask you again are you truly happy Julianna?


"Jules, babe wake up",the now familiar voice says to me in my dreamy state. I open my eyes and find Jake sitting on the edge of the bed already dressed for his day at the office.

"Hmm sorry what did you say",I mumble trying to figure out the dream I just got woke up from, who was the man talking to me I've never heard that voice before and why did the person call me Julianna I haven't gone by that since Jake told me it was an ugly name. I always had liked it but for some reason he dislikes it and I mustn't go by it anymore.

"You were talking in your sleep but, anyway I'm about to leave for work however I was going to let you know that the house needed to be cleaned and we also need some more groceries",he replies running his hand trough his short black hair giving me the smile that I love and wish I saw more often

"Oh well I was going to wait and do those on Sunday, I was going to go out tonight for drinks with Scarlett since she's off on Fridays",yawning midway through my sentence from not being awake fully.

"No,I want you to do it today it needs to be done and you know I don't like you hanging out with her she's a bad influence",he asserted his smile now fading replaced with lips formed into a straight line while his dark brown eyes glare at me waiting for a reply.

"Ok um yeah your right I'm sorry, but I already told Scar we would go out tonight so why don't you come with?", I mumble with a hopeful heart he will agree because I hate canceling on people. Especially Scar she has always been there whenever I need her.

"Yeah...whatever Jule thats fine but I need to go or I'm going to be late to the firm",he says getting off the bed from where he was sitting and walking out the bedroom without another word.

"I love you",I shout as I hear the front door open but have a hard time deciphering whether I heard him reply or just my mind hearing what it wants.


Now home from the grocery store I begin to clean the house. I aways start by picking up trash in each of the rooms which mostly consist of empty beer cans, and the occasional cigs Jake forgets to throw out I hate that he smokes in the house it causes the rooms to stink and really bothers my asthma at times, he doesn't see to care though he says, ''I pay the bills if I want to smoke than I will''. After I finish doing that I tend to dust and vacuum in that specific order. Once I'm done with that I mop the kitchen. By the time I'm done with everything it's a quarter till 7 and I'm exhausted and starving. I'm about to start on dinner when I hear my phone buzz from the dining table where I had laid it down.

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