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I quietly shut the door behind me, my eyes going straight over to the medical supplies sprawled out on my small desk. Turning the valve on the gas lamp, I watched as the flame grew stronger, the light flooding the entirety of my quarters. I turned on a few more before going to wash up.

It took some time to remove my shirt. As I pulled the fabric over my head, my lower ribcage was the only thing I noticed in the mirror. Even from just before, I noticed the bruising had spread further. The purple blotching around my back to the front, starting at the seam of my bra and fading at the hip bone. I then lifted my head to examine under my chin. The bruise extended on my mandible, a mix of dark red and purple now appearing. I then brought a hand to the gash on my cheek, flinching when it was tender to the touch.

"Shit." I muttered at the reflection in the glass before me.

I took a quick shower, suffering a few winces when shampooing my hair and soaping my side. I dried off carefully, dressing back into the half worn clothes I had on for dinner. I draped my towel on my shoulder before taking one last glance into the mirror, hovering over the bruise underneath the band of my bra. Strolling back into my bedroom, I picked up my soiled scout jacket grimacing in disgust at the splotch of blood on the sleeve. I threw it over onto my bed before readying a few pairs of clothes for the upcoming squad Levi expedition, placing the neatly folded items on the chest in the corner.

In the silence of my room, I heard faint droplets of water fall onto the wood floor. I brought the towel to the ends of hair, squeezing out the excess from my shower. The sudden knock on the other side of my door nearly made me flinch. My brows furrowed at its abruptness, especially at this hour.

I heard the latch of the door click open and I only thought it could be one person, she wouldn't come here unless it were an emergency. "Mikasa, I told you I'm fine, I didn't need you com—"

I stopped short once I turned my attention to their direction, and there was the captain, still in uniform.

I immediately stood to my feet, my arms went right into position, one behind my back and the other resting to the right side of my chest. I held in the wince that tried to escape as I stiffened my salute to the captain.

"At ease." he said dully, turning his chin to the side and closing the door with his foot.

I relaxed, going down slowly to pick up the towel I dropped to my feet. I sat back onto my bed, ignoring the captain who had his back against the wall nearest to the door, and foot propped against the column.

I had no idea why the squad captain was currently in my quarters. Why was he even here? What did he even want?

I busied myself with something to do, picking up my jacket and beginning to scrub away at the stains.

"Do you hate me for what I did." he stated rather brusquely, making me stop working at the spot on my jacket.

The words he chose were phrased like a question, but he didn't express it as one. It took me a couple seconds to comprehend what he was referring to, that was until I figured it to be about my injuries.

"I don't suppose I can." I kept on at my sleeve, the red now transferred to the white cotton of my towel.

"So, you understand why I did it."

My lip twitched as I held in a scoff, "You have a very strange way of teaching lessons."

"Nothing instills discipline better than pain."

My head whipped over in his direction, my hands clenching the leather jacket tightly. Throwing it onto my night table, I took a few courageous steps toward the captain, my demeanor darkening as I tilted my head in irritation.

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