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Two days before.

My eyes opened to sunlight and fell quickly upon the jacket covering me, knowing right away that it wasn't my own.

The familiar scent surrounding me was enough to figure out who it had belonged to. I raised myself to a seated position, reaching up to my hair, the bun I wrapped last night now fallen out. I rubbed my tired eyes and saw Levi still working at his desk, in his uniform, and as suspected his jacket missing.

"Don't tell me you were finishing reports all night." I said lowly to the working man.

He gave me an unbothered stare, "Do I look finished?"

I clucked my tongue, "Even you need proper sleep, you're human too... I hope you know that. Eight hours—"

"I can function fine on two."

I let out a sigh. He was hopeless. I began folding up his jacket, going over to sit in the chair facing him as I placed the neat garment on the edge of the desk.

"You talk in your sleep. Did you know that?"

I immediately froze at his words before taking a glance over to him in his desk chair. Our eyes stayed locked.

"What— what did I say?" I stammered, already feeling the heat rising to my cheeks.

His lips sealed shut, quirking upward as a hum of laughter escaped him. The slightest grin appeared on his face before he dipped his pen tip into the black ink and began writing again.

I didn't know how to react, or what to react to... the fact that I was sleep-talking and didn't have the slightest idea of what I said, or the fact Levi smiled. That was a sight that was beyond rare to see. I remained quiet, knowing that Levi would not disclose what I said in my sleep.

I leaned forward on his desk, investigating his handwriting among the parchment. Considering the personality of the captain, it was no surprise that the writing was neat. I eyed the letters at the bottom of the page, his pen swirling in the same motion as he wrote his signature. Captain Levi. He scanned over the paper once more before placing it in a folder with the other completed ones.

He let out a sigh, running his hand across his forehead and his black locks. He looked finished with his work.

I cleared my throat before speaking again, "Thank you for letting me sleep."

"It didn't seem fair to wake you."

I looked over at the clock on his desk. 7 A.M. The others wouldn't be up for another hour at least.

"Let me make you a cup of tea." I suddenly let out, ignoring my heart swelling at his words just before.

He looked at me in suspicion.

"It's the least I could do for you letting me sleep, there." I nodded over to the couch.

He shook his head, "It's not that big a deal—"

"You need the caffeine anyway." I turned to the door, glancing over my shoulder to see him over by the entrance to his personal quarters.

"Go on. You have tea to make." he said as he went into his room.

I went down the hallway and to the kitchen, prepping a pot of water and starting the fire in the burner. I pulled out two teacups and opened the lower cabinet to find the jar of tea leaves. I set the container beside the cups and waited for the water to boil.

I looked down at my outfit. Shit. I was still in my sleepwear. I had some time before the water was ready, I turned to go to my room taking one last glance at the fire. I turned to continue on only to bump into something solid, or someone.

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