fifty eight

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"liam said we're good to go," zayn poked his head into louis' room. "we have two guards waiting on us downstairs, said no rush."

nodding, louis finished clasping oliver's onesie together and rattled his fingertips against the baby's tummy, just to hear his little giggle, before picking him up. he peppered kisses to his cheeks and snuggled him close.

olly did so good today. he played with his uncle zayn, had tummy time with his mumma, and grubbed. his new favorite food is banana baby food, which he must pick up after his father because it's harry's favorite fruit. he went on a banana binge for about a week not that long ago.

"harry's okay?" he asks zayn.

"i think so, yeah. liam said he's a little unrattled."

"they just had to kill like, twenty other people, so i'd say so."

the other submissive shrugs. "fair."

they make it back to their houses safely. one guard drove zayn and the twins, the other drove louis and oliver, and they were each posted at the houses to keep an eye on them while the gang members were still out. louis offered to let his guard (he's pretty sure his name is jack but he can't be too sure) say hi to alice, but the older man politely declined by saying she may be too cute and he would have to take her home with him.

in order to keep his cat safe from a potential abduction, louis held him to his word and thanked him for the lift before settling inside. zayn had texted him to let him know they made it home, so he did the same in return by sending a photo of alice peeking into oliver's carseat.

louis decided to buckle the snoozing baby in his swing in the living room so that they would be the first thing harry saw when he walked through the front door. louis remained curled on the couch with alice, watching a movie with her, until olly woke up fussing. so louis checked the time, saw it was time to feed him, and got a bottle in.

louis nearly dropped the bottle when harry came home with nonstop tears rolling down his cheeks. he was covered in blood, trembling to the point niall had to help him inside and get him sat down. the man couldn't form proper words. he was in absolute shock. unrattled was an understatement.

"haz," niall crouched down in front of him and grabbed his bloody hands in his own. "harry, look at me."

the boss lifted his head and dropped it back down, letting go of niall's hands to hide his face in his own.

louis set the bottle down while niall took a seat on the edge of the couch. liam came in the door unannounced and looked at his mates with sad eyes. he offered to keep an eye on oliver so harry could have a moment to breathe and break the news to louis.

louis tells him quietly that he could take olly to the nursery and rock him in the chair so he would finish eating. liam ever so carefully picks the baby up and holds him to his chest, bottle coming in his grasp seconds after. the tiny boy stirred as the pair went upstairs but never made a peep.

harry raises his head to look at louis and reaches for him. he was a mess. louis didn't mind the mess, but was so sad to see his love so upset.

"what happened?" he whispered and frowned when harry held him so tight he nearly had to gasp for air. this was one of those things he did when he needed grounding.

niall looked down at the bloody man and blinked back tears as harry tried to speak. harry just shook his head. louis reached over and grabbed the pack of baby wipes he had sitting on the table and gently began to clean harry's face and hands off.

"andrew," harry whispered. saying it made it real. set it in stone. louis looked at him with wide eyes and casted his gaze to niall, who was staring down at his hands.

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