Chapter 22

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Well this is the first update of 2015, yes I know I haven't updated in three months nearly four. I've been really busy with school and now with me in Driver's Ed I've barely have had any time with writing. I wanted to let everyone know that I'll at least try to update once a month if I can maybe more if I have time I never really know, don't forget to vote and comment.



I only let Sam lead me up to my waist, I just couldn't get myself to go any deeper even with Sam right by me. Of course just being this deep scared the living hell out of me, I was just doing my best trying to have a good time and not go into full panic mode. By the look on Sam's face I think that he could tell that I was scared; because he squeezed my hand gently as to give me comfort. I looked at Sam, forcing him a small smile before looking at the water biting the inside of my lips.

"We can go closer to shore if you aren't comfortable with this Skye," Sam says looking at me concerned.

"No, I think I'm good."

"Are you sure?" he questions me.

"Yes I'm sure, stop worrying."

"I just want you to be okay," he says.

"I am and will be okay." Sam just shrugs his shoulders with a quiet sigh. "Did you want me to go closer to shore so that I'm "safe?"

"Yeah that sounds good to me, maybe you should just go on shore and I'll stay here." Sam says, shooing me off to the shore. Making my way back to the shore I'm hurt, doe he even want me out there with him? I try to move that thought to the back of my mind as I got back to the towels, sitting down on mine alone.

I looked back to the water and frowned; it looks as if Sam had found some friends from school that he was hanging out with rather than hanging out with me, the person he came here with. Pulling my attention away from Sam I took my phone out of our bag that we brought, seeing that I got a missed call from Kian worried me and of course he didn't leave a voicemail. Kian was the one person that never calls me unless something happened. I called Kian back as soon as I could, thankfully he answered the first time I called.

"Hello?" he asked, it sounded as though he had just woken up.

"Are you okay? Why did you call me?"

"I'm fine, I called because I wanted to talk to you about you and Sam.." he said which made me nervous.

"What about us?"

"Are you two dating? I don't want to compete with Sam anymore if you two are dating Skye," He said obviously sounding frustrated.

"No we aren't dating Kian, why the hell would you think that?"

"You two are all over each other; I saw you two yesterday he doesn't deserve you," he said which pissed me off.

"What do you mean he doesn't deserve me? If he doesn't deserve me then who does?" I ask quietly since I was out in public it's not like I wanted to be super loud.

"I deserve you, I know how to treat you right Skye. I love you and don't want him to take you away from me," he said, I was just taking all of this in. How could Kian say that he loves me? I didn't ask for both of my best friends to fall in love with me. Both sides of the line were silent, I just can't get it through my head what he had said. "Can't you just say something Skye?" Kian asked, he sounded hurt.

"I don't know what to say okay Kian, you just dropped a massive bomb on me and you just expect me to fall into your arms right now?"

"That's not what I expect, I just don't want to lose you to Sam..Skye," He says, I just hang up the phone. I can't keep talking to him about this, I just need time to think and of course here comes Sam walking up soaking wet.

"Who were you on the phone with?" he questioned me, sitting down on his towel.

"Uhh no one," I said, Sam just went with it not pushing me for an answer. He could probably tell by my face that it wasn't anything too good that I was talking about. "So did you have fun swimming?"

"Yeah I had fun, found some friends from school too so that was nice," he said with a smile as he was taking another towel out to dry off his hair a little bit. I just nodded my head looking around awkwardly.

That conversation between Kian and I just made me feel like shit. What makes him think that he deserves me? They both treat me right and I don't need Kian telling me who deserves me and who doesn't, what the hell does he know?

"I'm not gonna push you Skye but are you sure you don't wanna talk about what's worrying you?" Sam asked concerned.

"Sam I don't want to talk about it, just please leave me alone." I say, putting my shorts and shirt over my bikini

"Skye I want you to be okay; no need to be mad," he said which just really pissed me off.

"Fuck you Sam and I was talking to Kian, he's right you don't deserve me." I say, standing up with my sandals and phone in hand and just begin to make my way though everyone's towels.

"Skye what the hell are you talking about?" Sam calls to me, grabbing my wrist.

"Sam please leave me alone," I say fighting him to let go of my wrist, tears in my eyes.

"Fine whatever Skye, you can just walk home." He said going back to our towels. I quickly walk towards the boardwalk, tears were streaming down my face I just couldn't keep myself together. I'm always the one that makes everything worse than it should be. Making Sam mad along with leaving Kian to thinking I'm probably the biggest bitch ever. The only person that probably doesn't hate me is Ava.

Never Growing Up - A Kian Lawley and Sam Pottorff FanficWhere stories live. Discover now